because FSW and Delta handle lift differently.
FSW generates different handling capabilities - IMO, a lot of which are now negated by thrust vectored missiles (at the WVR level)
For both subsonic and supersonic flight, doesn't a Delta Wing add significantly more stability and agility, than a swept wing fighter... When comparing something like the the "F-16XL" (one of my favorites, I think that plane had a lot of potential) to the average F-16, isn't the XL considerably better in all departments? It's heavier but "allegedly" could supercruise with the same engine I believe. It can carry a lot more fuel, as well as a larger payload. I think I remember reading that the F-16XL which had already used TVC for a while back.
I think everything I've seen about the XL, was that it very good in flight and really could have served the role of the F-15 and F-16? Or, in the earlier days, since the F-15 and F-16 were both being manufactured for two different purposes, the F-15 an F-16 could have been built with some more convergence in mind for down the road. Which is pretty much what the F-16XL was supposed to be... a deep strike multi-role fighter. This wouldn't have ended the F-15s life, as the F-15 could have gained a lot more by having had given it more of an multi-purpose role as well (like we're now trying to do). The F-22 would have still been built and the F-35 (who knows what will happen with that), but there would have been a true bridge to the F-35.
An XL could've kept, the F-16 line open a lot longer, especially with all of the airframes out there. A combo between the F-15 and F-16 (like an F-16XL with twin engines) could have been very attractive to all those who have/had F-15/16s, as it would have most likely been right up there with the nicest aircraft today (the F-22 aside) and probably could have been sold at a good PP. Well, it doesn't matter much now.
-Regardless, check out this compilation of awesome aircraft, such as: the F-16XL, F-15A, X-29 SWF(a favorite GI-Joe plane from way back in the day), X-31 and a few others. Many people have mentioned several of these in the clip as being among their favorites (they can do some crazy stuff).
-I'm just interested in hearing from pilots here (or any others) what you think of these pilots flying commercial aircraft. Is what they're doing, trying to land and/or test planes under pretty crazy circumstances, as difficult as it looks? Is it very difficult to go from Fighters to some of the largest civil aviation aircraft?
I have a lot of respect for AF pilots for everything they, as well as civil aviation pilots (I know many come out of the AFs) who when you see these conditions, you realize that many of them are responsible for 200+ people.
Last question, what's the maximum angle that large civil aviation planes can land at (i.e. the angle off center the aircraft can be facing when landing--not so much the landing gear)??
Just be ready to hit mute on this one... not my kind of music anyway: