Status of German K130 Corvettes


New Member
Seems like the Braunschweig encountered some problems during sea trials: According to GeoPowers specified speed and maneuverability weren't met, one of the prop shafts broke and the steering gear is flawed.
Usual sea trial business, I hope...


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Usual sea trial business, I hope...
... not really. Well, not meeting design speeds and such, maybe. The rudder control probs could just be a software thing, that's pretty normal. The broken shaft, that looks bad - depends on why it broke (faulty material, shaft ran at stress levels above specs, shaft not satisfactory to design specs; all more or less likely).

Braunschweig is apparently currently at the Marinearsenal Kiel (operated by the BWB who runs the sea trials), not at the building yard, to switch to a new shaft.


Active Member
Verified Defense Pro
stupid question whats the crew complement k130 and whats the replacement ratio beween the FACs and the corvett


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
stupid question whats the crew complement k130 and whats the replacement ratio beween the FACs and the corvett
65 crew.
ratio is 1 corvette for 2 FACs (or: 1 corvette for 1 FAC "Rotte"), 5 corvettes replacing 10 FACs; original planning was 15 for 40 FACs. Before the Tiger FACs were retired without replacement. The current 5 corvettes "replace" the Albatros class, the Gepard class will stay in service for now.


New Member
Found this recent little clip from SPIEGEL TV (18.04.2008) about the Braunschweig. Very interesting, as it shows some of the interior.
Interestingly, the ever sceptic SPIEGEL-crew doesn't mention anything negative :confused:
And they mention that the Braunschweig will join a NATO exercise this week. I imagine there is some kato around here who knows which one it is...
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New Member
Verified Defense Pro
The K130 is a modified MEKO A-100. Which went rather good as exports goes - the Polish Project 621 corvette is also based on it (similarly high-grade version as the K130), as well as the Malaysian Kedah class (low-grade version as OPVs, planned for 26 units!).

The Project 621 is slightly heavier, and carries Harpoon, VLS ESSM, and similar combat management systems to K130 (a lot of Thales hardware iirc). And, unlike for the K130, their hangar is rated for a light helo. One unit is building, original planning was for 6 units - though its doubtful more than 2 will be built iirc.
The Kedah class is basically a MEKO A-100 stripped of anything but the bare minimum. Will carry a 76mm and a 30mm gun regular, and "fitted for but not with" RAM and Exocet. Malaysia has allocated an awesome amount of money for the project, around 5 billion euro iirc (meaning these OPVs aren't really that much cheaper than the K130 - Germany is spending 1.2 billion on the first batch of 5). Two Kedahs are commissioned, two in sea trials, two are building, about 20 more planned.
The Kedah class is based on the Meko 100 OPV. This is not connected to the MEKO A series, which are very different designs. The Malaysian OPV is 1,300 tonnes full load displacement, 80 m long, a speed of 22 knots on twin diesel engines and a crew of 78 (source).

A ship that is based on the 1900 tons full load displacement MEKO A-100 corvette design (source for displacement data. See also A.D. Baker III, “World Navies in Review,” Proceedings, March 2003, pp. 48-56; Norman Freidman, “The Corvettes and Frigates New Wave,” Armada International, February 2003) is the Polish project 621 GAWRON. It displaces 2,035 tons full load, is 95.2m long, has a speed of 30 on CODAG (1 gas turbine; 2 diesels; 2 shafts) and complement is 74. (See JFS)

At 3800 tons full load displacement (source), the South African MEKO A-200 are effectively frigates.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
The Kedah class is based on the Meko 100 OPV. This is not connected to the MEKO A series, which are very different designs.

The Malaysian OPV is 1,300 tonnes full load displacement, 80 m long, a speed of 22 knots on twin diesel engines and a crew of 78 (source).
I don't know where they got that from, but Jane's *) says different.

Structure: Design based on Blohm + Voss Meko A 100 including measures to reduce the radar and IR signatures
The same source *) gives the usual 1650t FL, 91.1x12x3m dimensions, 68 crew including 11 officers.

There is no "plain" (old) Meko 100 version. Basic versions are 140, 200, 360, A100, A200, F123, F124.

*) : Source - Jane's Fighting Ships, 2004-2005 edition.


New Member
Verified Defense Pro
I don't know where they got that from, but Jane's *) says different.

Structure: Design based on Blohm + Voss Meko A 100 including measures to reduce the radar and IR signatures
The same source *) gives the usual 1650t FL, 91.1x12x3m dimensions, 68 crew including 11 officers.

There is no "plain" (old) Meko 100 version. Basic versions are 140, 200, 360, A100, A200, F123, F124.

*) : Source - Jane's Fighting Ships, 2004-2005 edition.
There is no plain Meko 100 among corvettes and frigates. There IS a meko 100 OPV. ANd Meko 100 RMN is derived (beefed up) from that.

This is a Meko 100 OPV (with Meko MRV)

This is the meko A 100 (with X form hull) proposed for Poland


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Just because it has the same "Meko number", that doesn't mean they have the same size, or even the same specific hullform.

Just look at the extremely wide variety between Meko 200 types, or at the difference between the Meko 360H1 and Meko 360H2.


New Member
Verified Defense Pro
Just because it has the same "Meko number", that doesn't mean they have the same size, or even the same specific hullform.

Just look at the extremely wide variety between Meko 200 types, or at the difference between the Meko 360H1 and Meko 360H2.
You go compare the Kedah class to the CGs in the previous post and tell me which it looks like more: the OPV that's shows with the MRV or the corvette.

The MEKO A-100 is a multipurpose corvette with a displacement of 1,900t. The CODAG-WAP propulsion system includes two 6,000kW diesel engines and a 14,000kW gas turbine. The MEKO A-100 accommodates one medium-size helicopter, a vertical launch system, with up to 16 cells and eight surface-to-surface missiles and four torpedo tubes. The sensor suite includes 3D phased array radar, 2D medium range air and surface search radar, two fire control systems, infrared surveillance system, electro-optic director, two target designation sights and sonar suite.

The MEKO A100 is the little brother of the A200, as sold to South Africa. The signature reducing hull form (X shape as on A 200, K130, F124, Meko D, Meko X etc) and signature reducing propulsion system (CODAG/WARP) distinguish meko A 100 from meko 100 OPV a.k.a. Sentinel OPV (which has no signature reducing hull shaping and uses 2 caterpillar diesels on 2 standard shafts/props).

Unfortunately with the mergers come changes in websites and a lot of information and images have been taken off the (former) B+V site. I'm going to see if I can find something one this in my old issues of Naval Forces (Monch Publishing Group)

Meko A100 image and another

Polish Gawron/project621

This is a Meko 100 OPV

This is the Kedah class
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The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
distinguish meko A 100 from meko 100 OPV a.k.a. Sentinel OPV (which has no signature reducing hull shaping and uses 2 caterpillar diesels on 2 standard shafts/props).
You realize that the "Sentinel OPV" concept is relatively new (started last year), and is derived from the Kedah?

Just look at the Kedah (picture 1, picture 2) - the hull includes signature reducing features and slight X-shaped hull (not to the extent of the A200), and shows its heritage from the A100 rather clearly.


New Member
Verified Defense Pro
You realize that the "Sentinel OPV" concept is relatively new (started last year), and is derived from the Kedah?

Just look at the Kedah (picture 1, picture 2) - the hull includes signature reducing features and slight X-shaped hull (not to the extent of the A200), and shows its heritage from the A100 rather clearly.
Yes, the Sentinel is newer development of the Meko 100 OPV. So?

This is an X-shape and so is this. And this. More images illustrating the X-form here

Now, look at the banner on the LIMA 2007 website, which shows the first 2 Meko 100 RMN (pennant numbers 171 and 172). Or this image from This one is even more clear. Is that an X-shape, really? Sure?

For info on GAWRON, see p 23 of this and p 18 of this

If you can read Hungarian, check this for comparison Meko 100 and Meko A100

Note that the ThyssenKrupp Marine website speaks of Meko 100 RMN Patrol Vessels (not Meko A 100 corvette)
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New Member
Link 16 & Link 11 on Gawron

Does anyone know who is supplying the Tactical Data Link system to the P621?

I know Thales Nederland are providing TACTICOS but who's supplying the TDLs?

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Sorry, i only can find this:
Command and control

The K130 is equipped with a Thales Netherlands (Hollandse Signaalapparaten) SEWACO sensor, weapon control and command system, together with link 11 and link 16 tactical communications.

Thales Nederland Mirador provides electro-optic surveillance and fire control.

Mirador's sensors include colour TV camera, infrared camera and an eye-safe laser rangefinder.

K130's integrated communications suite includes a UHF satellite-communications (SATCOM) and UHF / VHF / HF communications supplied by EADS.