Let me adress some points to the best of my knowledge..
Currently 4 of the 8 Turkish Mekos are VLS capable (2 havent got vls fitted) thus should get ESSM & half life modernisation to use this ability. Turkish OHPs are going thru an extensive electronical upgrade code named GENESIS (Ship Integrated Warfare) but there is no hardware change in the ship like in Oz OHPs. The ships will continiue to use SM1s.
I am not sure if AEGIS & SM-2 combo is released for Turkey, we are in a problematic neighborhood and Uncle Sam tries to watch the balance between Greece and Turkey. So unless Greece goes out and purchases FREMM i am not sure we will receive AAW capability via tried and trusted AEGIS&SM2 combo. Turkey had a project to procure an AAW frigate code named TF-2000 but it was cancelled due to such problems.
Currently Turkey is building a LCS like ship under projectcode MILGEM (National Ship) which will have mainly similar operational capabilities with LCS with a less sophisticated , thus cheaper to prucure, design and less operational costs. The same design might be used to build a Turkish frigate in the next decade so its also possibility that Turkey will NOT go for FREMM but build its own frigate. Currently Ukraine has shown interest in Milgem while its still being constructed and i am sure later on we can find countries that want to cooperate in the frigate solution.
If we return to the main topic Spruaces, I know that Taiwan was offered a 500mio$ per ship modernisation package and turned it down and got the KIDDs(?). Perhaps such a modernisation package might also be considered but imho Turkey will use the Spruances as is if they are ever received and spend its limited recources to increse the capabilities of current ships, procuring more subs with AIP and finally and the most expensive development of national ship designs..
Currently 4 of the 8 Turkish Mekos are VLS capable (2 havent got vls fitted) thus should get ESSM & half life modernisation to use this ability. Turkish OHPs are going thru an extensive electronical upgrade code named GENESIS (Ship Integrated Warfare) but there is no hardware change in the ship like in Oz OHPs. The ships will continiue to use SM1s.
I am not sure if AEGIS & SM-2 combo is released for Turkey, we are in a problematic neighborhood and Uncle Sam tries to watch the balance between Greece and Turkey. So unless Greece goes out and purchases FREMM i am not sure we will receive AAW capability via tried and trusted AEGIS&SM2 combo. Turkey had a project to procure an AAW frigate code named TF-2000 but it was cancelled due to such problems.
Currently Turkey is building a LCS like ship under projectcode MILGEM (National Ship) which will have mainly similar operational capabilities with LCS with a less sophisticated , thus cheaper to prucure, design and less operational costs. The same design might be used to build a Turkish frigate in the next decade so its also possibility that Turkey will NOT go for FREMM but build its own frigate. Currently Ukraine has shown interest in Milgem while its still being constructed and i am sure later on we can find countries that want to cooperate in the frigate solution.
If we return to the main topic Spruaces, I know that Taiwan was offered a 500mio$ per ship modernisation package and turned it down and got the KIDDs(?). Perhaps such a modernisation package might also be considered but imho Turkey will use the Spruances as is if they are ever received and spend its limited recources to increse the capabilities of current ships, procuring more subs with AIP and finally and the most expensive development of national ship designs..