New Member
Just wondering but what would be a diplomatic / economical / strategic solution to the nations who have a claim on the disputed islands?
Is there "internationally" a way where everyone could lay down their claims but in some sort of construction benefit from those islands?
As others pointed out the status quo has sort of being guaranteed by major forces like China and US.
So as pointed out the major powers are not interested in a possible road map to a armed conflict (And obviously the smaller powers have even less intent to go that way) unless there is a major balance shift or some sort of inexcusable provocation that might force or justify military action (In whatever form that might be)
That being said those claims are still there and diplomatic tensions are more or less jumping up and down, so to get back to my first question here is there some sort of "construction" where all sides could be content with, and has such a construction ever been attempted in for example other disputed around the globe? (if ever)
Because imo rather then disputing the islands internationally there might be ways where both sides can drop the claims and build up some sort of agreement or economic construction which would in theory boost the "owner" nation and the claim making nations which would imo be a victory in itself and would possible bring a lot of stability to the region.
And this way all sides do not have to lose their international face.
Just for the record some of these islands are considered a possible wealth of minerals/gas/oil which a energy hungry nation like China would need, on the flip side tho lets assume that there is oil/gas (Or whatever great resource) the Philippines could do with a few Chinese billions and some technology to crank up its economy.
So hence why i suggested if there could be some sort of mutual agreement where all sides could smile. And this would take away a heap of pressure to the US forces in the region giving them the ability to strengthen their positions where needed and to strengthen economic and strategic ties with nations in Asia.

Is there "internationally" a way where everyone could lay down their claims but in some sort of construction benefit from those islands?
As others pointed out the status quo has sort of being guaranteed by major forces like China and US.
So as pointed out the major powers are not interested in a possible road map to a armed conflict (And obviously the smaller powers have even less intent to go that way) unless there is a major balance shift or some sort of inexcusable provocation that might force or justify military action (In whatever form that might be)
That being said those claims are still there and diplomatic tensions are more or less jumping up and down, so to get back to my first question here is there some sort of "construction" where all sides could be content with, and has such a construction ever been attempted in for example other disputed around the globe? (if ever)
Because imo rather then disputing the islands internationally there might be ways where both sides can drop the claims and build up some sort of agreement or economic construction which would in theory boost the "owner" nation and the claim making nations which would imo be a victory in itself and would possible bring a lot of stability to the region.
And this way all sides do not have to lose their international face.
Just for the record some of these islands are considered a possible wealth of minerals/gas/oil which a energy hungry nation like China would need, on the flip side tho lets assume that there is oil/gas (Or whatever great resource) the Philippines could do with a few Chinese billions and some technology to crank up its economy.
So hence why i suggested if there could be some sort of mutual agreement where all sides could smile. And this would take away a heap of pressure to the US forces in the region giving them the ability to strengthen their positions where needed and to strengthen economic and strategic ties with nations in Asia.