So your saying as Taiwan inches closer towards independence China displays an almighty show of force using technically routine pre-announced missile tests which are blatantly nothing other than a warning shot to U.S & her allies not to get any further involved as intervention around the Taiwan Strait will definitely not be tolerated by China.Imagine this scenario:
The year is 2012...
...Now, how far would a CTF, if deployed, stay away from trouble? Will this sabre rattling mission kill it?
Would this be enough for the U.S to consider the consequences of her own military interference to be sufficient as to not directly aid the Taiwanese forces? Indeed would the U.S ever openly back down towards China? This must be the $64 trillion question.
I certainly believe the U.S would, once the decision had been taken by the President go about it militarily in the correct fashion such as all units standing by on DEFCON2 while at least a double CVN CTF entered the South China Sea.
I believe the answers are easier to achieve by political thought at a more strategic level than post event operational. During the cold war the U.S.A would defend Taiwan if attacked by China, the current situation is the U.S agrees with China's 'One China' policy, and is 100% in favour of status quo. However if the Taiwanese electorate/politicians seem to move towards of independence then I believe policies will adjust accordingly. Countries will not steer blindly into WWIII, if the U.S remains rigid in it's defence of Taiwan I can't see China moving unless it has somehow already assured itself of victory. The U.S and the American people wouldn't back down to anyone, in my view. Their policies may however, change in future years if they consider it to be in their interests.
As for Chinese victory, Sun Tzu's Art Of War may see that being easiest achieved via future global financial markets than a naval victory.
I wouldn't think the RN would have been so bold for a fictional deployment to save Hong Kong.
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