Well your missile gunboats (at least the 2 Kraljs) are perfect for ASUW and can hide easily along the Dalmatian coast. They would just need some short range SAMs (Mistrals or Stingers) and some air cover in case of real conflict.
It is true however that I wouldn't see them deploy in overseas missions as they are today, but that's not necessarily a priority for the moment.
Re the OPVs, for 1000 tonnes it will be hard to have anything better than a 60-65 metre platform with no helos and probably no space for serious VLS SAMs. I'd go for 1700 ton minimum, 90 metre, with space for SSM and SAMs and a helo pad aft.
My very first post in this forum
Croatia plans to get some larger ships, OPV's (Veliki Ophodni Brod) they are designed and do look awesome, but are also quite well armed for ships that will perform only what I might immagine coastal guard duties.
From preliminary design I can tell you ships are 80-85m long, have helo deck for 10 ton helicopter.
Armaments consist of Bofors 57mm cannon, 2x12.7mm MG's, 2x20mm auto cannon, 1x 21 cell RAM system at the top of the Hangar.
2 are planed by 2012, and 2 more by 2015, cost per ship about 80 million euro.
2 King class boats will remain in service for very long time, 2020 and even after, Koncar class might do 2015 before it is retired.
There are plans to replace 2 King class with Corvettes in 2020 - most likley 100m warships, not sure how many, (most likley 4). Croatia has plans to increase its navy to 5500 personal sometimes by 2020. Army will remain at 10500, air force at 3200 personal and navy might get bust from 2500 personal to 5500 personal by 2020, all depends on what role Croatia will play with in NATO.
Defense white paper which calls for small armed forces envisages total of 32000 military personal with in armed fores of these 10 000 are reserves or volunteers.
Future ORBAT for army already exist, and finances what and where money is needed, how much, who and what. What needs to be replaced and what needs to stay, and some major upgrades are needed for army which is a priority now, This includes upgrade of M80 IFV's and M84 tanks, procurement of new APC's. Problem is, Croatia is in election year, spendings on social programs has increased at the expense of military spendings, therefore any programs that have been agreed on in principle, upgrade of certain vehicles, procurement of new APC's and even upgrade to Air force and Navyt are halt until new government is in the office. It looks most likley now that new Government will be coalition of SDP and HNS/LS and other smaller parties.
If coalition wins as it looks now, than we'll have even slower process of decision making, SDP is well known for good social spendings, they'll honor defense requirements I am sure of it, question is, will they improve on it. SDP initiated NATO and EU processes way back in 2001, I am sure they'll honor and perhaps improve on the defense package.
I know that SDP will push for more NATO/UN lead peacekeeping ops, They see Croatia as Finland and Sweden 10 years down when it comes to its military obligations.
If Croatian involvement in Middle East increases and I am sure it will, Lebanon is now a hot topic at the UN security council, I see no other way but for Croatia to order several large corvettes and by 2020, I'd agree at least 2 larger frigates, something over 4000 ton, perhaps even 5000, time will tell.
Croatian economy has steady annual growth of 4-5% and at this rate it will double by 2015, with military spendings which will hit 2% by than, more money will be available for such extravagant programs.
As to submarines, sorry to say, Croatia will no longer utilize Submarine force, they'll use ASW helicopters for this purpose only. submarines are to expensive and Adriatic sea is very shallow sea, putting a submarine in to it, will only encourage dolphins to take a piss at it lol