"Secret Russian weapons" still terrify Americans


New Member
"Of course NATO doesn't want to even kill one Russian, or invade 1 klm of their territory"

Mainly because Russia had 34,000 nuclear warheads during the height of the Cold War(1980's). Due to SALT and START treaties, it has been reduced down to about 7,000 operational nuclear warheads.

"I don't know if I can take this anxiety and stress for much longer!!!"

You can relax a little since there's 27,000 less nuclear warheads to worry about.
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New Member
If you think Russia's military is in bad shape now, well in 1941 they were still recovering from Stalin's execution of all the officers. No T-34s at that time. In contrast, the Germany crushed France in weeks. Russia doesn't have such a good record when not defending though. 1914 saw 1 German army destroying 2 russian ones in a modern day Cannae.


First off no one wants to attack Russia. My comments were directed towards quality of arms, training standards, and readiness levels. They simply are not up to the standards of western Militaries, most of all US. The same goes with China.

The Nazis went into Russia with brutality and turned off a population that would have been more then happy to get rid of Stalin. Especially in the western sphere. They were ill prepared for the ferocious winters there as well as the tenacity of the Russians.

They pose little threat to NATO now. Which is good, because we dont want to threaten them either. I suspect given time they will field a much more prefessional,better trained and equipped, fighting force.


New Member
Russian training has gone down hill in the last 20 years if you can tell me how to upload a video to here i will show you what i mean.