Russian shipbuilding is in poor shape though. Typically they can produce, once they get going, but every new project takes a long time to get started, partially due to design issues that have to be worked out, partially due to difficulties working out supply chains with sub-contractors. Once a project enters production, it is vastly easier to keep it going. Look at how long it took to get the 20380 corvettes going. And now they can be put out at a decent pace, at separate yards even. Look at the 11356 vs the 22350 frigates. True the former is a simpler design, but not that simpler. An LHD is a vastly more complex ship then a corvette. If they begin construction next year, when will the first ship enter service? 2025 would be an optimistic timeframe. 2030 a more realistic one. Meanwhile they can get a number of 11711s up and running long before then, and supplement the larger ships for many years to come.Новый боевой корабль будет компромиссом между БДК и вертолетоносцем
Baltic and Admiralty have good records in producing reasonably on time ships for the Russian Navy. There could be designs for lhd among other large combatants. Russia is upgrading most of the equipment of all of it's service branches. Russia has one of the largest defence weapons procurement budgets in the world, and strategic weapons are being favored at this time.