The US is on an economic plunge as many of us can admit this, not just housing, high gas prices and bad inflation rates but our country is falling where Russia is greatly improving. You see our problems with immigrations and corporations continuing to outsource for cheaper labor overseas because the US labor is too expensive, we can’t even afford to fix our immigration problems not just the borders but the internal problems.
I largely disagree with your zero sum game approach to economics in this discussion, but I tend to agree with some of your specific points on Russia.
The US is hardly in economic plunge, if the US economic growth is a plunge, then the recent growth in Europe which is about half the rate of the US would be described as economic suicide. I reject both. Yes I am accounting for housing. Sorry, but you went a bit overboard on the hyperbole.
The US and Europe are not in decline, both simply aren't on the same accellerated economic growth path of Russia or China. Both of those countries had a lot of room to grow though, China started from a very low starting position only a few decades ago, and Russia is rebuilding after falling to rock bottom following the cold war.
Russia's old military equipment is in disrepair, particularly their Navy. They managed their fall from a military perspective better than expected though, foreign contracts kept thier industrial base from disappearing and R&D was maintained thanks to foreign sales and investment. Russia maintained a decent number of modern naval platforms, but they went mostly without the updates unlike western nations.
So the approach in Russia is to do a slight modernization on equipment that is still relevant, and build new, starting with strategic submarines. A full 70% of this years and last years shipbuilding budget is being spent on SSBNs and related tech. This is a smart approach, get the expensive stuff out of the way, then they can build quantity on the cheap as revenue increases.
The problem is disposal of old. Gary is right on, they want the west to fund the messy stuff, and while the west probably shouldn't, the west probably will contribute. The problem with contributing to disposal is that western nations remove the responsibility that comes with building nuclear tech, a lesson the West needs to let Russia learn on its own since they are building new stuff that will recreate the problem in the future.