Russia to Lease Shchuka-B Class Submarines to India


New Member
The launch of the Indian indigenious ATV nuc-sub has been delayed from Jan09 to mid of 2009 as per a report on 02Jan09. The IN has projected needs to have 10-12 nuc-subs in the next 10 years. The ATV project is for 3 subs and it is taken so much time already and not even the first one is launched yet. The lease is for 2 subs which will then be perhaps retained in the IN inventory. which means in ten years it looks like IN is getting only 5 subs. Unless India decides to expnd this project and order additional subs it doesnt look like the IN needs are getting fulfilled.

I say lets not have 10-12 lets have 18 nuc-subs


New Member
What are you basing your need assesment on?
Ok there are three naval commands in India - am thinking each command gets 5 nuc-subs each and the nuclear command gets three as a second strike capability (armed with nuke missiles ofcourse). Now while out of 5 - 3 could be used for domestic patrolling or medium range missions the fourth one is on long range missions patrolling global waters and one may/maynot be in refit, main, repair, upgrade etc etc


New Member
Indefinite Delay in delivery of Akula subs to India

news update

Russia indefinitely puts off delivery of nuke subs to India

Moscow, Jan 21 (PTI) In what could be a major set back for India's defence preparedness, Russia has 'indefinitely' postponed the delivery of "Akula-II' class Nerpa nuclear submarine, citing that sea trials were still incomplete.
"The pre-delivery trials have been postponed by the Amur Shipyard as it has no trial crew and is running short of cash," Far Eastern edition of Kommersant daily reported today.\ptisite.nsf/0/947C64D07D6AE24365257545003B041F?OpenDocument

Well yet another roadblock in Indias desperate attempts to acquire nuc-subs. Increasingly one can observe issues cropping up btw India and russia on arms procurement deals, gorshkov was revalued, the mig-29 upgrade deal was revauled, only one russian fighter was fielded in the MMRCA competition, this is probably going to affect indias decision for the order for 6 conventional subs for which currently Amur class and HDW 214 is competing


New Member
Lease to India


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