I already addressed this elsewhere. To insinuate other incidents were false flags because they coincide with one parameter used to estimate a false flag in this specific attack, is to objectively fail to understand the arguments being made and the rationale and evidence for a proper false flag.
And to me this incident is no different from the ones mentioned and the insinuations suggest failure to understand the nature of the arguments being made, along with rationale and evidence for a proper false flag.
For instance, search the web for Zimnyaya Vishnya fire a few years ago. Dozens of people burned (half were children) in a building, where the fire started on the top (!) floor, but there was no alarm on the floors below, and as the roof collapsed and the fire was spreading further and further, the occupants of a movie theatre could not get out because all the emergency exit doors were locked. Some people went to prison for a long time for bribery, failure to follow safety procedures, etc.
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Here, I googled what I suggested above and here is the Wiki page:
Note that there is also a claim of government cover up, etc. Strange right? Especially because the Russians blamed some Ukrainian prankster for spreading the rumours, who himself confirmed the accusations, which the article talks about.
Then there are claims how strange it is to have no armed men present at the venue even after the the warnings. Again, we have no information about the contacts that were made and the nature of the warnings and intel shared. For all we know, what we all read on the news when the warnings were made to foreigners by their respective embassies in Russia were all the warnings there were. The rest is speculation. Then there is a fact, that I guess is maybe a newsflash for some, it is not a usual practice to have armed security or police present at the concerts and similar events in Russia. Consider that this one was also a fairly small event, relatively speaking, with the venue capacity of around 6,000 people:
В зале «Крокус сити холла» в момент теракта могли находиться 6200 зрителей. Об этом пишет «Агентство».
So no, it is not unusual to have unarmed security at an event like that and is actually quite normal. Just like it is here, in the US, through out Europe, I am sure. While I have been to quite a few various performances here and the US, I never attended one in Europe, but I am sure the scenario is the same. Why would it be different? Side note: I, however, have had the memory card in my camera formatted by a cop near Pentagon on a trip to DC many years ago because he thought I should not be taking photos of myself and my wife hundreds of meters away from the building. I thought he was out of line and the idea itself was pretty crazy, but it was what it was and we were visitors. I objected, but we lost a whole of bunch of photos we took through out the (road) trip up to that point and it was unfortunate. Some places take their security more serious than others, I guess. Funny thing is that DC is one of the places I would visit again without a doubt, but back on topic…
Furthermore, provided the current geopolitical environment, if there were no official contacts with provision of good intel in regard to the expected attack(s), it would not be all that surprising if more serious measures were not implemented. Of course, one has to also consider the fact that the side providing the warnings is the side that considers social destabilization in Russia to be the most optimal and desired outcome and reportedly so. That’d be one point that we can speculate about. Another is that we can speculate about the measures that actually were implemented because we don’t know what they were and if there were any. There could be a follow up and no confirmation, or a simple case of failure of the security agencies, which wouldn’t be the first and surely not the last, and Russia is not the only country to have ever been affected by it. Then, of course, we can also speculate that it did not happen in Moscow per se to begin with, while the warning has been posted for Moscow specifically.
Anyway, there are many speculations with little substance.
Then the reports of the police presence near by due to high security alerts (that’d be a contradiction, by the way, to the entire theory of lack of measures) and their inactivity. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs claimed that this information had nothing to do with reality, which we can choose to believe or disregard completely. They also claimed that the response took about 5 minutes.
МВД России опровергло распространившуюся в сети информацию о том, что полиция бездействовала во время совершения теракта в «Крокус Сити Холле». Официальный представитель МВД Иpина Волк указала, что автомобиль, запечатленный на распространившихся фото и видeо, является машиной скорой медицинской...
Their account is in accordance with the reports that I read pretty much live as they appeared in the Russian news when the events were unfolding. So I don’t see anything irregular and malicious here.
We can skip on the few other less significant things, because there is no point to talk about it, and go straight for the “motive”. So the theory is that this event was beneficial to the Russian authorities and Putin specifically in order to… blame Ukraine and implement mobilization of hundreds of thousands of people to be sent to the frontline, a measure otherwise “unpopular”. This is laughable at best, frankly. There are Ukrainian forces trying to attack Russia, killing civilians in Belgorod and other regions on daily basis. There are Ukrainian UFVs hitting critical and civilian infrastructure in Russia, including Moscow and Sankt Petersburg regions, also on daily and weekly basis. There are some Euros “planning” to send their troops to Ukraine. There are members of NATO (and the evil reincarnate itself, in particular, the USA) are the providing weapons and most valuably intel on targets, etc. And many more other things, most/all of which are actually happening that can be used for any mobilization scenarios. The script writes itself, no need to make up anything else, really. At the same time, Ukrainians are reporting that Russia has no issues recruiting personnel on voluntary basis.
But let’s say that yes, this was
another false flag op by the Kremlin. So they decided to kill about 150 people near Moscow, or simply let it happen, because that was very favourable to their efforts. Efforts to mobilize people outside of Moscow and other major centres, as it was suggested what they do. While at the same time revealing that not only they cannot protect their oil refineries (and other infrastructure) that are critical to the internal operations, as well as external revenues immensely important to their war effort. In fact, they cannot protect citizens next to their capital from a few guys with a combined IQ score likely equivalent to that of a single pineapple. Yes, of course, all that makes a lot of sense and definitely refers to the other parameters used to indicate a false flag operation.
So yes, all this reads just like all other conspiracies out there. There is no need to tell someone that they lack an understanding of something. Especially while reading Geraschenko and the like. Overall, what all this suggests to me, is that there is a complete (and widespread) lack of understanding of how things work, people who have zero clue and never followed Russian events on daily or at least regular basis and have no business “weighing things out” and providing their “expert” opinions; and they do so for various reasons, some just because, others with malicious intent. So when someone from say Norway or Germany or Canada and the USA says that there is something very unusual about some event that takes place in Russia, I am going to beg my pardon and ask why they think this is the case (in this particular instance the substance is missing “bigly”). Then the absolute majority of people will quote or paraphrase those “experts” creating an echo chamber effect. Then Mr Zelensky himself comes in and claims that this was, in fact, the Russian false flag op in order to attack Ukraine. And so on.
Things aren’t usually as complex as people think them to be. The “complexity” syndrome usually appears due to the lack of understanding of any particular subject, lack of information, and, probably most importantly, because the details contradict our normality. Disinformation and circumstances should not be discounted either, surely.
It could also, of course, be the case that I am completely wrong and this was a false flag op by the Kremlin. I am sure the Wikipedia will provide answers in the years to come and the next similar event that will unfortunately, but undoubtedly happen would reference this one as well due to the amount of “doubt” and the “logic” suggesting and so on.