This presumes Australia has no capacity to apply pressure back in an actual hot war scenario. Its does. But the Chinese ships were not a dry run for attacking mainland Australia. It was a proof of long range capability. The only other time the Chinese had sent a ship to the Tasman sea was when there were invited for the fleet review.
It was more about Freedom of navigation, and activity Australia definitely conducts, but is often used pretty extensively by the Americans. The Chinese did nothing illegal. It was perhaps poor form, and impolite, but not illegal. Australia doesn't get many Freedom of navigation exercises around it, so this is new for us, but the UK has to deal with the Russians sailing through the english channel mere kilometers from the UK mainland all the time, as do the Japanese, as do the koreans, and everyone else. Chinese ability to project actual naval capability to Australian/NZ waters is no longer, theoretical.
What it did do, is make everyone, including the Greens in AU, and politics in general in NZ, more away of defence. If the Chinese wanted to prioritise defence in AU/NZ they have done it.
From NZ point of view, they really now need to have a good open eyed look at the world, and figure out how they are going to operate within it. The good news there is this friendly partner Australia, who they still have a great relationship with. While the US breaks all its alliance structures, that may make NZ aligning itself more to Australia more attractive and useful.
Because if they want to go it alone, NZ did not have any real capability to apply pressure back in a hot situation, by itself. So I think NZ would want to look at building a stronger relationship with Australia, a country they have hundreds of years history with, a country they have huge influence and connection to, and a country who genuinely shares their values and aspirations and regional outlook. It doesn't diminish NZ to do that, often some of the greatest and most important moments are when the two nations work together to solve common problems and challenges. China is just but one of those, and it may not even be the most pressing.