Suff is reporting that the purchase of HMNZS Canterbury was "wishful thinking" see
stuff here
Facts on Canterbury's service to date
Report Documents
Key comments from the report are as follows...
p.2 - HMNZS CANTERBURY is intrinsically safe but remedial work will be required
to enable her to perform military functions; some operating limitations will also
have to be accepted. Sea keeping performance is likely to be poor in higher
sea states.
-From the outset of the project, there was insufficient appreciation of the
constraints to the ship’s operations imposed by the selection of a commercial
Roll-on, Roll-off (Ro-Ro) design. This has been at the root of differences of
opinion between Tenix, the MoD and NZDF and the shortfalls in performance
being faced today.
P5-The Ben my Chree is a ‘short/fat’ ship that operates across the Irish Sea whereconditions are akin to coastal waters, where the seas are generally shortcrested as compared with deep oceans. Even a cursory examination of herdesign and operating profile should have raised questions over her suitability,once modified, for long operational patrols in the Southern Oceans. It isaxiomatic that the hull form of a ship designed for short sea crossings may notbe ideally suited as a solution to fulfil the full Functional Performance
Specification1 for the MRV.
P25-Aviation. The operation of helicopters has already been partially demonstrated but, the assessment of the operation of two helicopters simultaneously must await the planned First of Class Flying Trials. We note that the inability to track helicopters on radar at the required range and height is a warranty claim item.
P.27-This report identified about 600 clauses containing a capability requirement for the MRV expressed as mandatory (shall) non-binding (should) or permissive (desirable). Of these about 71% of the functionality has been achieved, 9% partially achieved, about 10% not achieved, and 9% not yet demonstrated; the remainder do not have an identifiable deliverable.
Having read the report one can only describe the project as a huge screw up.