Royal New Zealand Navy Discussions and Updates


Well-Known Member
Really escapes me why she was built for CIWS but has never 'worn' it!?!
Guess because it would then have to come off one of the frigates when they should be going through a period of getting them both upto standard, with all systems integrated, tested and signed off competent post refit. AO is away for the next half a year essentially so along time for half the combat fleet to be without its CIWS so perceived priorities perhaps? I would also assume it would involve added training, maintenance and perhaps even a couple of extra pers as I wouldn't think it's the kind of system you just throw on and push go? Not entirely sure though as like you say, its FFBNW and never has.

TBH I was surprised it embarked a seasprite flight as well as I thought they were becoming rare as hens teeth atm but good to see, guess 6 sqn needs to deploy longterm as well in this quieter period to keep their guys in the mix and keep current.