Now that the Babcock OMT Arrowhead 140 is to be the RN Type 31 FFG, there is talk on the RN thread about NZ acquiring it. It would make quite a bit of sense, especially now that Babcock acknowledge that most of the export will be sales of the design, systems and engineering expertise, rather than actual ships, because most customers will want the ships built in their own yards - see my post
So if we went down the Type 31 path, we could have it built in South Korean yards, for example, and fitted out to NZ specs and with the pommy price roughly being £250M, about NZ$500M per ship, well within our price range. They are a GP FFG and from what I read in the 2019DCP, and associated documentation, the NZG is expecting the ANZAC frigate replacements to be well over NZ$1 billion per ship. Save the RN has some
good details on the Type 31 including an illustration of the proposed layout.

We do have a requirement for a 3rd frigate, sooner rather than later, and on the surface the Type 31 does meet most of our requirements. Of course, we'd have to change a few things, like mount a 5 in gun up forward etc., but that's not a deal breaker. It's most definitely worth have a very close look at.
Another vessel of interest is the newly released BMT concept design
ELLIDA Amphibious / Tanker / Multi-Role Auxiliary Vessel. Being 195 m in length, it has a welldock, 2 spot flightdeck, internal vehicle and stowage decks, weather deck stowage and additional accommodation able to undertake landing craft & boat operations, multi-spot aviation and replenishment at sea. It's probably a bit large but could be scaled down to say 135 - 150 m length (Canterbury is 131 m), and it offers significant capability. From the illustrations, it looks like it has a fuel replenishment capability, so would be a back up or Aotearoa when she is unavailable and if it was ice strengthened and winterised to the same level as Aotearoa, could undertake the McMurdo runs the years that Aotearoa doesn't. Again this vessel could be built in a South Korean yard, for example and it has the potential to offer capabilities that would meet the enhanced sealift vessel requirements. It also has very good HADR potential. One definitely worth keeping an eye on.