Yep Jack Steer went from VCDF to CN at end of 2012.
I agree that four frigates are required and for the reasons given. However I strongly dispute acquiring the ex RAN ANZAC class frigates as an interim solution. This is because in my mind it is a false economy; a significant waste of money and just means that we are pushing a full new frigate replacement program further away, making it a far costlier option in the long term.
The RAN ANZAC FFGs will be well and truly stuffed by the time they are replaced, because they have been used far more than originally planned for. With the money we would spend keeping each one of them serviceable and afloat, we could probably acquire a DDH with.

We went down that path with the ex RN Leanders Dido and Bacchante (Wellington), and Dido (Southland) being loved by the local concrete merchants whenever she pulled alongside a NZ port because more often than not she needed concrete to repair a hole in the side. I was alongside at Nelson (on Kiwi) when a local concrete truck pulled up beside Southland, because a young junior seaman had put a wire brush though the hull from the inside when scraping the rust off. Also Wellington and Southland weren't replaced and Canterbury and Waikato lasted longer in service than they did.
The systems on the RAN and RNZN ANZAC frigates have diverged over the years. Even the helo capture systems are different. In fact some were different right from the initial build, with the RAN ships having things that the RNZN ships didn't, purely cost cutting on the NZG part, so the RNZN crews would have to be completely retrained on RAN ANZACs. Also what kit are the RAN going to leave on the ANZACs? At one stage they were looking at pulling through kit to cut the cost down on the Hunters.
I don't think that we have the time nor can afford to wait 10 years for a ex RAN frigate so it's far better to bite the bullet and start the replacement project now:
- ship 1 delivered 2025,
- ship 2 (Te Kaha replacement) delivered 2028,
- ship 3 (Te Kaha replacement) delivered 2032,
- ship 4 delivered 2034.
If things get dire, build two ships at a time. If we went with an OMT Iver Huitfeld, we could have the first one sooner, say 2023, because the design is already mature and in service. Another option is:
- ship 1 delivered 2024,
- ship 2 delivered 2026,
- ship 3 (Te Kaha replacement) delivered 2028,
- ship 4 (Te Mana replacement) delivered 2030.
Yes it takes time to train up crews, but we already have the core of two experienced crews now and the extra personnel required could be recruited and trained whilst the ship(s) are being built. Work up periods can be increased if needed, with the wreckers spending more time getting the crews proficient. There is an excellent new seamanship training facility at Philomel, plus the other branch training facilities.
I also do not think that we need to acquire the Raytheon EASR, NGSSR, Lockheed's COMBATTSS-21 and CEC/NIFC-CA straight away. Let the USN sort all the bugs, problems and gremlins out first before we even have a look at it. As long as we can communicate with the USN ships and transfer data etc via Link 16 and / or Link 22, then we should be fine. I would stick with the Lockheed CMS that is being installed during the current RNZN FFH upgrade. During a future MLU of the KiwiFFX then seriously consider it.