Agreed. At least in the current designs of SSN.There is realistically no appetite for nuclear submarines in Canada...
However there is much development in Small Modular Reactors currently. While less powerful than its larger brothers, much can be said if a SSK has a 5MW reactor plug inserted, enabling continuous low speed cruising indefinitely. Joining Koreas program, sharing costs and research would reduce risk, save money and speed up development. Not a true SSN, but more of a hybrid design. Diesels for high speed to operating area, SMR while on patrol, and battery for burst speeds and additional power.
Batch 1 subs using current design KSS 3. (Just getting subs is paramount)
Batch 2 subs technological upgrades + SMR plug
That being said, I'm tired of hearing Bill Blairs Defense speech's over and over. "Blah, blah, trying, blah, blah trying blah..."
i.e. low recruitment numbers, year in year out for how long now? What ever they are "trying" to do to increase recruitment hasn't worked!
Accept that something radically different is needed. Training takes time and limited spaces needs to be increased to accommodate larger recruitment numbers that are needed.
My suggestion is to stop trying and start "doing". Times run out for trying.
The world is changing fast and I'm afraid our Pollies are just too slow to keep up. Glaciers comes to mind and too many needed projects piling up fast.
End Rant
Hats off to those working behind the scenes doing the best with what their given.