The project is to acquire a set of capabilities, not just one type. The tiltrotor would be one of, from my understanding, up to four different types: Utility (to replace the Griffon - something like the H145M, H175M, or AW149), Attack (a new capability similar to the Apache), Recce (reacquiring a capability the RCAF had up until the late 90s with the CH-139 JetRanger), and this long-range assault capability represented by the tiltrotor. I've also heard it may be expanded to include a replacement (or upgrade) to the heavy lift side (currently Chinook). It's a developing story, but it's a funded program, so the project office is actively engaged with industry.
We might be able to infer the direction this project is taking with the following announcement:
Airbus signs historic contract to provide 19 H135 military training helicopters to the Royal Canadian Air Force. In other words, towards a European type, at least for the Utility helicopter.