Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates

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Milne Bay

Active Member
No flare on the bow and a very thin profile forward and a deeper forefoot are all part of the sea axe design intended to reduce resistance through the water ..... it also means less buoyancy compared the increased volume of a flared bow and also means spray is not deflected away by the flare of the bow.
ie wet, wet wet.
I suppose, to be fair, there will not often be parties on deck at high speed.
Still, not sure I would want to be crew on that


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Verified Defense Pro
ie wet, wet wet.
I suppose, to be fair, there will not often be parties on deck at high speed.
Still, not sure I would want to be crew on that
The vessel shown is a small crew boat so it is going to be a bit exciting. The Damen 1800 Sea Axe is quite a bit bigger and has a higher freeboard forward (relatively) but the design would have to be compared to the intended operating conditions.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
No flare on the bow and a very thin profile forward and a deeper forefoot are all part of the sea axe design intended to reduce resistance through the water ..... it also means less buoyancy compared the increased volume of a flared bow and also means spray is not deflected away by the flare of the bow.
Most of us who have endured days of hull slamming and bone shaking at moderate speed into swells, or tried to reduce speed to single digits to avoid the slamming would take any amount of spray and green water in order to reduce the violent pitching and consequent loss of speed made good which the Sea Axe relieves.


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Most of us who have endured days of hull slamming and bone shaking at moderate speed into swells, or tried to reduce speed to single digits to avoid the slamming would take any amount of spray and green water in order to reduce the violent pitching and consequent loss of speed made good which the Sea Axe relieves.
New sea Shepard ocean warrior is Damien sea axe.
Would hope ran gets something more capable boat.

Nice boat. Navy grey and everything. Bit surprised they aren't putting a hanger and operating Zulus. They seem to have the budget.


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Most of us who have endured days of hull slamming and bone shaking at moderate speed into swells, or tried to reduce speed to single digits to avoid the slamming would take any amount of spray and green water in order to reduce the violent pitching and consequent loss of speed made good which the Sea Axe relieves.
Yep agree 100%, it. Is a balance but in really tall seas then it could be an issue for smaller vessels so it comes to matching hull design to operational requirements. A space to watch ...... but I suspect a 50m vessel in the southern ocean in 10m swells are not going to be happy campers


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Yep agree 100%, it. Is a balance but in really tall seas then it could be an issue for smaller vessels so it comes to matching hull design to operational requirements. A space to watch ...... but I suspect a 50m vessel in the southern ocean in 10m swells are not going to be happy campers
True, my thoughts revolved around an 80mtr ship operating in the Sea 1180 space, ie from 48 deg South to 5 N. I have no interest in being anywhere near a 50 mtr ship in the Southern Ocean, I live in Darwin for a reason.:)


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They must have heard us as this was just recently posted .....

I have to admit to be completely underwhelmed because:
  • The Brisbane III facebook page knew about the lauch date in October so pleanty of time for a decent PR run
  • The video is clearly not that recent given the unpainted state of the ship and the scaffolding
  • And ......
lets face it ..... they are just painting the pennant number

For petes sake how about a half decent video update ....... and not done by a half baked news channel

Bloody hopeless ...... rant off
Not sure if it has anything to do with my rants but blow me down ..... a build video.

How about on on Sydney and an update on Hobart

This is more relevant to todays event


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Not sure if it has anything to do with my rants but blow me down ..... a build video.

How about on on Sydney and an update on Hobart

This is more relevant to todays event

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The videos are coming thick and fast, someone has stirred them up.
The latest on their website

It's interesting to note that it seems like the wharf extensions are not complete, in fact it looks like very little change has occurred.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
The videos are coming thick and fast, someone has stirred them up.
The latest on their website

It's interesting to note that it seems like the wharf extensions are not complete, in fact it looks like very little change has occurred.
I have a really dodgy memory, but I suspect that the extension was only ever mooted as 22 metres, which will hardly be noticeable. That said, I agree, it doesn't seem to have been changed



Brisbane Launch

The videos are coming thick and fast, someone has stirred them up.
The latest on their website

It's interesting to note that it seems like the wharf extensions are not complete, in fact it looks like very little change has occurred.
Nothing about the launch on ABC news tonight or Faifax newspapers today. (I don't subscribe to Adelaide Today). Was the launch (or float off) today postponed or was ASC and Navy too embarrassed to invite the media?


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Verified Defense Pro
Nothing about the launch on ABC news tonight or Faifax newspapers today. (I don't subscribe to Adelaide Today). Was the launch (or float off) today postponed or was ASC and Navy too embarrassed to invite the media?
Launched according to what little news there is

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It is a sad reflection on our press and the really poor PR from defence and ASC

Defence Media when I looked had nothing



The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Nothing about the launch on ABC news tonight or Faifax newspapers today. (I don't subscribe to Adelaide Today). Was the launch (or float off) today postponed or was ASC and Navy too embarrassed to invite the media?
Sorry, but Fairfax and the ABC are only interested in Defence procurement if the story has a hook along the lines of "waste", "disaster", "mismanagement" or "delay".

News Limited are mostly interested if they can claim it's a case of waste through pork barrelling to save seats.

The launch of the second DDGH doesn't even have enough novelty value to push the latest vital "which supermarket sells the cheapest avocados" story from the dead spot between sports and weather.



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Sorry, but Fairfax and the ABC are only interested in Defence procurement if the story has a hook along the lines of "waste", "disaster", "mismanagement" or "delay".

News Limited are mostly interested if they can claim it's a case of waste through pork barrelling to save seats.

The launch of the second DDGH doesn't even have enough novelty value to push the latest vital "which supermarket sells the cheapest avocados" story from the dead spot between sports and weather.

If you want to keep track of whats happening Pyneonline is regularly covered in updates. No images, but if you want to know anything that is happening either go there or ask his office.

Channel 7 Brisbane had a decent segment.

I do like the look of the Hobarts as well.

Would really like sea1180 to be a sea axe 1800 or 2400. I think the 2400 would be a neater fit with greater range and endurance. But either would make a very capable multirole patrol boat particularly in decent numbers.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
I do like the look of the Hobarts as well.

Would really like sea1180 to be a sea axe 1800 or 2400. I think the 2400 would be a neater fit with greater range and endurance. But either would make a very capable multirole patrol boat particularly in decent numbers.
I'm happy to join the chorus of admiration for the Hobarts too. Purposeful and well balanced looking in my eyes.

With respect to the Damen OPVs - in an idle moment last night I wondered a little about the shape of the forefoot and potential utility for sonar.

Usually (in my inexpert understanding) vessels with sonar have the transducer mounted in a hydrodynamic fairing in that area. That seems counter to the way this Axe "cuts"

I *know* that these aren't the 21st century equivalent of a Flower class corvette, but I understand that some of the larger Damen OPVs might be used as a form of light escort with hull mounted and modular/containerised towed sonar outfit - or as mine hunters with similar but specialised fit. Recalling the Rudd era plans for common hulls it does beg the question of whether that form fits both functions (and whether the one hull form strategy still has any relevance)

(Edit: I agree about the Damen boats in all respects, but wouldn't want my pension dependent on getting the more expensive ship)

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The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
I'm happy to join the chorus of admiration for the Hobarts too. Purposeful and well balanced looking in my eyes.

With respect to the Damen OPVs - in an idle moment last night I wondered a little about the shape of the forefoot and potential utility for sonar.

Usually (in my inexpert understanding) vessels with sonar have the transducer mounted in a hydrodynamic fairing in that area. That seems counter to the way this Axe "cuts"

I *know* that these aren't the 21st century equivalent of a Flower class corvette, but I understand that some of the larger Damen OPVs might be used as a form of light escort with hull mounted and modular/containerised towed sonar outfit - or as mine hunters with similar but specialised fit. Recalling the Rudd era plans for common hulls it does beg the question of whether that form fits both functions (and whether the one hull form strategy still has any relevance)

(Edit: I agree about the Damen boats in all respects, but wouldn't want my pension dependent on getting the more expensive ship)

While I wouldn't be surprised if the OPVs eventually give way to more combat capable corvettes or fast frigates in don't think the initial dozen will be any more than flexible OPVs. That said the designs being considered do have multi purpose decks under the flight deck with space for ISO containers and facilities for trailing equipment from this deck over stern, think ROVs, possibly towed arrays or even VDS for littoral ASW and MCM. What would be clever is designing the OPVs to interface with USN LCS modules.


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Verified Defense Pro
While I wouldn't be surprised if the OPVs eventually give way to more combat capable corvettes or fast frigates in don't think the initial dozen will be any more than flexible OPVs. That said the designs being considered do have multi purpose decks under the flight deck with space for ISO containers and facilities for trailing equipment from this deck over stern, think ROVs, possibly towed arrays or even VDS for littoral ASW and MCM. What would be clever is designing the OPVs to interface with USN LCS modules.
I don't mind the Lurssen OPV85. I am not really a fan of the OPV80 as it comes in at only 1450 tonnes so there is lower growth margin

[and as Assail notes .... no hanger]

The OPV85 appears to have the capacity to carry a containerized tail and the nature of weapons that can be carried would give it a self defense capability. (Sea RAM would be great on such vessels but lets not get carried away).

The OPV85 and OPV90 are developments of the in service OPV80 and data was uploaded recently so ...... perhaps ..... this is the development of their product (yes I am probably day dreaming).

OPV 85 - Lürssen Defence | Lürssen Shipyard - german quality-shipbuilding
OPV 90 - Lürssen Defence | Lürssen Shipyard - german quality-shipbuilding
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