Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates

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The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Looks like the DCNS design phase agreement for the subs has been signed, along with choosing Lockheed over Raytheon for the combat systems.

To early for me to post links - but it's on skynews, the australian, AAP etc.
Interesting, considering the rhetoric of 2013/14 about ASC that the two big multi-nationals, who were back grounding then defmin Johnston and being pushed by him and the then PM to take over the AWD project and fix ASCs "stuff ups", now appear to be on the outer.

Ironically, it appears to have been Kevin Andrews, not recognised for his technical expertise, who took the time to actually visit the project, talk to people and call bs on the political maneuvering.

Joe Black

Active Member
CEP is an aberration :)

its not part of the normal aquisition process and was a "get out of gaol" process injected when future subs became a political football

there is no CEP for SEA 1180
GF, according to Australian Defence Magazine, there will be CEP for SEA 1180
Three shipbuilding announcements in one day

"As part of the Competitive Evaluation Process (CEP) three designers have been shortlisted; Damen of the Netherlands, Fassmer of Germany, and Lürssen of Germany to refine their designs. This program is estimated to be worth more than $3 billion."


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
GF, according to Australian Defence Magazine, there will be CEP for SEA 1180
Three shipbuilding announcements in one day

"As part of the Competitive Evaluation Process (CEP) three designers have been shortlisted; Damen of the Netherlands, Fassmer of Germany, and Lürssen of Germany to refine their designs. This program is estimated to be worth more than $3 billion."
its now entered the defence lexicon - its not part of the normal defence acquisition model - I work on that side of the acquisition process

the normal tender eval process is to tender in the open against defined criteria. those responses are then shortlisted as part of a formal process.

a CEP means that a number of steps in the acquisition process have been left out - its a fast track model and assumes that you are aware of all the likely offers, and then restricting the evaluation to only those identified "likely" respondents.


Well-Known Member

Some help with some questions

With the MH-60 Romeo helicopter entering service when will the S-70 Seahawk finally be retired, leaving the Romeo's as the principle fleet helicopter for ASW?
I ask this with some concern as NU ship Hobart is now in the water conducting trials and in the not to distant future she will enter into service embarking a helicopter that cannot fully meet it's potential as the ship cannot store the helicopters MK54 torpedo.
I wonder if there is some temporary short term fix to this situation, as waiting for an upgrade of the AWD's in the 2020's to rectify this deficency seems just too far away. With the retirement of the FFG's in the early 2020's we will only have 8 ANZAC's each only with a single helicopter embarked for ASW.................. This could be a problem!
I'm sure many will know the history of the ships we could of had! But moving forward we need to work with what we have. So is there a fix for the AWD?
I very much see the AWD as a multi purpose ship in the RAN not just a specialist maritime anti air umbrella for the fleet. It would be wonderful if the Romeo's and Mk 54 could operate off the Hobart's from day one. I suggest this may be a need, not just a whim of desire.

Thoughts S

PS - Is there room / weight for a second phalanx CIWS on the AWD?
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APDR and Damen Aviation training ship

I honestly despair. The October edition of the APDR has an article on OPV's and I want to set the record straight on one issue as there are errors which suggests the reporting is based on assumption:

1. The Aviation training ship (Sycamore ) is not 'based on' the 2400 OPV but is shares a similar hull form. Engineering and internal layout are different and upper works are different. This vessel takes a lot from the EGS and RGS (Stoker and Bessant) in as much as it does from the 2400.

2. The aviation training ship will not do 23 knots. It is less than 20 knots as the vessel only has two main engines not the four of the 2400 (remember that comment about the engineering being different).

3. The vessel is not leased by the Navy, it operated by DMS on behalf of owners (which is officially the NAB ... if you doubt this pay the money and do a search of the register of ships) under contract to provide services to the Navy. It may seem a minor point but 'leasing' or chartering in the maritime world have very specific meaning.

4. It does not have a hanger ..... again, remember that comment abut the upper works being different. If you look at the image posted on the Serco (who own DMS) web site you will see how different this ship is wiht a central funnel and a super structure very similar to the EGS/RGS pair. It has to be to meet the requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention.

Rant over :eek:


I honestly despair. The October edition of the APDR has an article on OPV's and I want to set the record straight on one issue as there are errors which suggests the reporting is based on assumption:

1. The Aviation training ship (Sycamore ) is not 'based on' the 2400 OPV but is shares a similar hull form. Engineering and internal layout are different and upper works are different. This vessel takes a lot from the EGS and RGS (Stoker and Bessant) in as much as it does from the 2400.

2. The aviation training ship will not do 23 knots. It is less than 20 knots as the vessel only has two main engines not the four of the 2400 (remember that comment about the engineering being different).

3. The vessel is not leased by the Navy, it operated by DMS on behalf of owners (which is officially the NAB ... if you doubt this pay the money and do a search of the register of ships) under contract to provide services to the Navy. It may seem a minor point but 'leasing' or chartering in the maritime world have very specific meaning.

4. It does not have a hanger ..... again, remember that comment abut the upper works being different. If you look at the image posted on the Serco (who own DMS) web site you will see how different this ship is wiht a central funnel and a super structure very similar to the EGS/RGS pair. It has to be to meet the requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention.

Rant over :eek:
I have found it difficult to find any images of the ship. The first ones were last week or so on:

- Serco Asia Pacific

The 2 images give little away. I can see no info re funnel and super structure details are scant.

No reason in particular why serco or DMS should scratch my curiousity itch, but I and presumably others are interested.


Active Member
I have found it difficult to find any images of the ship. The first ones were last week or so on:

- Serco Asia Pacific

The 2 images give little away. I can see no info re funnel and super structure details are scant.

No reason in particular why serco or DMS should scratch my curiousity itch, but I and presumably others are interested.

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Google: Sea Hunter. At a price of $US20 million a squadron of these would enhance the RAN's capabilities?:jump2


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Google: Sea Hunter. At a price of $US20 million a squadron of these would enhance the RAN's capabilities?:jump2
That is still in the R&D phase however well worth following. Not so much for that particular vessel but at least the tech and concept.

Should be noted the $20m price tag is for an unarmed prototype vessel so that may not reflect real world costs.

If it is as effective as they hope at the bargain operating price could allow for saved funds to expand the fleet capability or be diverted to other needed projects.


Super Moderator
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Verified Defense Pro
I have found it difficult to find any images of the ship. The first ones were last week or so on:

- Serco Asia Pacific

The 2 images give little away. I can see no info re funnel and super structure details are scant.

No reason in particular why serco or DMS should scratch my curiousity itch, but I and presumably others are interested.
There was an image published for the Damen Song Cam yard but I cannot find it. A poor quality image for the vessel (it is the black hulled one with the safety onrange lifeboats) is at the PK forum Vietnam thread below.

There are also pretty good images of the EGS and RGS (Stoker and Bessant)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like some one is job hunting by putting out BS details on the submarines. Is DCNS's imaginary Shortfin Barracuda submarine Australia's biggest defence blunder?

John Stanford works for insight economics whose home page just so happens to promote how well they offer advice to senior management cheaper then what the primes can.. and he has no experience what so ever with defence that I can find.. nore any other employee of the company -_-

Some of the standout BS he stated as 'fact'

- The Australian build Shortfins will cost $4.6 billion each but ignores how Australia cost's it's acquisitions which can include future support, maintenance, supplies, inflation etc
- States Japan could build submarines at $750m a piece for us in Japan but ignores that Japan's offer to us was for 12 Submarines built in Japan for $25 billion, Guess he is only off by $16 billion :rolleyes:.
- Questioning if the US would want Australia's submarines operating in the SCS even though historically the US has wanted us there with our Submarines.
- Talking up the amount of work to convert the Shortfins to conventional power but ignoring that the others would need an equal if not greater amount of work them selves with the same or greater risks.
- Talking down the Shortfins for not having AIP even though that is now going out of favor and Japan and Germany them selves where pushing Lithium batteries over AIP.
- Talks down the 'tardy' delivery schedule even though that work's as a benefit to allow for more refinement of everything.
- Pulled a number out of his ar*e for the Collins class upgrade stating it would cost 'at least' $15 billion with a 7 year life extension.

Can we ban this guy from ever working on a defence project? Please!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like some one is job hunting by putting out BS details on the submarines. Is DCNS's imaginary Shortfin Barracuda submarine Australia's biggest defence blunder?

John Stanford works for insight economics whose home page just so happens to promote how well they offer advice to senior management cheaper then what the primes can.. and he has no experience what so ever with defence that I can find.. nore any other employee of the company -_-

Some of the standout BS he stated as 'fact'

- The Australian build Shortfins will cost $4.6 billion each but ignores how Australia cost's it's acquisitions which can include future support, maintenance, supplies, inflation etc
- States Japan could build submarines at $750m a piece for us in Japan but ignores that Japan's offer to us was for 12 Submarines built in Japan for $25 billion, Guess he is only off by $16 billion :rolleyes:.
- Questioning if the US would want Australia's submarines operating in the SCS even though historically the US has wanted us there with our Submarines.
- Talking up the amount of work to convert the Shortfins to conventional power but ignoring that the others would need an equal if not greater amount of work them selves with the same or greater risks.
- Talking down the Shortfins for not having AIP even though that is now going out of favor and Japan and Germany them selves where pushing Lithium batteries over AIP.
- Talks down the 'tardy' delivery schedule even though that work's as a benefit to allow for more refinement of everything.
- Pulled a number out of his ar*e for the Collins class upgrade stating it would cost 'at least' $15 billion with a 7 year life extension.

Can we ban this guy from ever working on a defence project? Please!
I seriously despair at the state of defence "journalism" these days. There's another article floating about today decrying the use of LM for the integration work on the subs, citing the F35 as their main reasoning... :hitwall

Ah well, someone ask Dick Smith what he thinks about it all! :lol2


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
I seriously despair at the state of defence "journalism" these days. There's another article floating about today decrying the use of LM for the integration work on the subs, citing the F35 as their main reasoning... :hitwall

Ah well, someone ask Dick Smith what he thinks about it all! :lol2
he couldn't have had much of a job within PM&C otherwise he'd know himself that some of the numbers and facts quoted by him contradict actual events and attitudes - and his numbers are just nonsenical

having seen PM&C staff perform at gate reviews of major acquisitions I now have a clearer understanding of why even DFAT held them in contempt


New Member
Latest dtrmagazinedotcom October 2116 has article and a couple of pictures of the new MATV Sycamore. Sorry but cant give links as I'm a newby.


Active Member

Latest dtrmagazinedotcom October 2116 has article and a couple of pictures of the new MATV Sycamore. Sorry but cant give links as I'm a newby.
Have a PDF of SYCAMORE plans but I cannot recall file size limits here.... so I guess I'll find out.... Will try ZOOM to flight deck .PNG


Active Member
I guess the graphic attachments could have all been in one post but hey.... Here are the SYCAMORE specs (from JPG graphic above) in text format:

Vessel Particulars
Damen Design, Built of steel in Vietnam (2015 - 2017)
AMSA / Civilian – Special Purpose Ship – Aviation Capable
LOA 93.96m Draught (max) 3.96m Gross 3254 tonnes
Civilian Crew 22 max
Commonwealth (RAN) personnel 71 overnight + 20 day only
Speed (SS4) (twin VP propellers) 17kts max / 16.2kts @85% MCR
Range @ 85% MCR in SS4 4400 nm
Aviation Flight Deck (No Hangar) Modelled on FFH (modified Perth)
Aircraft EC135, MH-60R and MHR90
Aircraft Ship Integrated Secure and Traverse (ASIST)
Aviation Radar TERMA Scanter 6002 with Mode S / ADS-B receive
Aviation Fuel Pressure / Gravity /full HIFR fuelling (77m3 F44 storage)

Acquisition / Background / Operations
Acquired for the Commonwealth by DMS under the Fleet Marine Services Contract (FMSC) CAAP
Commonwealth Acceptance of MATV platform – Q3 2017
First of Class Flight trials (EC135) in support of
Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS) program – Q3 2017
Transition of roles from MV Horizon – 2017
HATS Flying Operations begin – Q1/Q2 2018

Normal area of operations East Australian Exercise Area (EAXA)
Tasking planned through the Fleet Activity Schedule (FAS)
Tasking executed through the Fleet Exercise Program (FXP)
MATV available for tasking at approximately 280 days annum

ATV Capability
MATV is a civilian contracted crewed and maintained, RAN training platform
RAN provided Flight Deck Teams and procedural aircraft controllers (PAC)
Tailored embarked Aviation Training for
Aircrew Deck Landing Qualifications (with the Joint Helicopter School training as priority 1 – HATS)
Flight Deck Operations Training (including HIFR and VERTREP)
Procedural Air Controller (PAC) / Helicopter Control Officer (HCO)
Other Training roles / Tasks
Sea Familiarisation / NEOC training
MCD support (Mine warfare / Diving)
Consort Duties
Navigation Training / Target Towing
Practice Weapon Recovery
Government Direction / HADR / SAR
Fitted for Un-manned Aerial System (UAS) / EW through air threat sim
Thanks SpazSinbad. Finally we have an understanding of the layout..

Fully understand the commentary already provided by Alexsa on multiple occasions.

Anyone who knows- Under Govt direction its labelled as 'HADR & SAR'.. Is this reference specifically related to aviation 'training' for these mission sets or could they be employed within the scope of real mission tasking's?

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