Sounds like some one is job hunting by putting out BS details on the submarines.
Is DCNS's imaginary Shortfin Barracuda submarine Australia's biggest defence blunder?
John Stanford works for insight economics whose home page just so happens to promote how well they offer advice to senior management cheaper then what the primes can.. and he has no experience what so ever with defence that I can find.. nore any other employee of the company -_-
Some of the standout BS he stated as 'fact'
- The Australian build Shortfins will cost $4.6 billion each but ignores how Australia cost's it's acquisitions which can include future support, maintenance, supplies, inflation etc
- States Japan could build submarines at $750m a piece for us in Japan but ignores that Japan's offer to us was for 12 Submarines built in Japan for $25 billion, Guess he is only off by $16 billion

- Questioning if the US would want Australia's submarines operating in the SCS even though historically the US has wanted us there with our Submarines.
- Talking up the amount of work to convert the Shortfins to conventional power but ignoring that the others would need an equal if not greater amount of work them selves with the same or greater risks.
- Talking down the Shortfins for not having AIP even though that is now going out of favor and Japan and Germany them selves where pushing Lithium batteries over AIP.
- Talks down the 'tardy' delivery schedule even though that work's as a benefit to allow for more refinement of everything.
- Pulled a number out of his ar*e for the Collins class upgrade stating it would cost 'at least' $15 billion with a 7 year life extension.
Can we ban this guy from ever working on a defence project? Please!