Its only 300km, it applies to all types of missiles – cruise and ballistic – but only if they deliver more than 500 kg in payload. The TLAM and JASSM both deliver a 1,000 lb or 450 kg warhead so do not fall under the MCTR export ban.Is'nt there a ban on exporting crusie missiles that exceed 400 klm range?
The BMD terminal defence weapon is called Sea Based Missile Segment Enhancement (SBMSE) which I mentioned as an alternative to the next generation ESSM in one of those posts. The enhanced missile segment of SBMSE refers to the Block 2 version of the missile that is part of the PAC-3 Patriot upgrade. This missile is actually called the MIM-104F not the PAC-3 as PAC-3 includes more than just a new missile. But everyone calls it the PAC-3. SBMSE missiles could be quad packed in a Mk 41 VLS.What about ABM capability, wasn't that looking at being delivered by PAC-3? Can these be quad packed and could if required fill the area of ESSM (ie perform the same role as ESSM thus be deducted from the ESSM load)?
PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement | Lockheed Martin