True, but its a long bow saying Portsmith works so could Darwin, or Townsville its a bit more complicated than population thresholds.
Absolutely. The issue is all about are defence professionals happy in their hometown? Basing all of the submarine fleet and their training infrastructure in Perth means that a submariner basically has to migrate to WA for their career. This has been untenable because the greater majority of Australian’s want to live near their families in the south east and that isn’t WA. Basing the amphibs in Townsville (or Cairns) just adds an additional homeport to the surface fleet which sailors can rotate to in their careers.
Currently the Navy surface fleet is divided up like so: 53% at Sydney, 28% Perth, 10% Cairns and 9% Darwin. This doesn’t include shore facilities, aviation, divers and the like, just based on raw crew numbers. So it also doesn’t take into account the divide amongst certain trades like mine warfare, HS and weapons which are going to be concentrated in particular bases.
If the 2 LHDs, 1 LSD and four of the new LSMs (keeping two at Darwin to replace the LCHs) were to be located in a new amphibious warfare base the crewing would be divided up like so: 33% at Sydney, 25% Perth, 23% at new amphib base, 9% Cairns and 10% Darwin. This crew figure doesn’t take into account any changes with the AWD, SEA 1180 boat and new AORs.
So a new amphib base would actually be pretty much en par with the current fleet bases determined by crew. Of course not taking into account shore facilities, training, submarines, etc. So a new amphib base is a pretty big deal. But that shouldn’t rule out Townsville. It is a rapidly expanding city that can easily accommodate an additional thousand sailors and their families. It is a pleasant place to live and is unlikely to be rejected by navy crews moving there.