Why, we had another Melborne! Don't forget Voyager I had quite a distiguished record.It is only Voyager that I cant see the RAN having again. My first post could confuse.
Why, we had another Melborne! Don't forget Voyager I had quite a distiguished record.It is only Voyager that I cant see the RAN having again. My first post could confuse.
Victory wont happen.I like the V names, but I cant see the RAN ever having another Voyager. Vampire, Vendetta, maybe a Victory or Victorious or even a Van Demen, there are plenty of possibilities.
they could be revived under a new "Battle Class"I wouldn't mind seeing some of our larger battles used for names, already have Tobruk, could see the same for Gallipoli, Long Tan, Kokoda and am sure there are others that are suitable.
Completely agree.they could be revived under a new "Battle Class"
It doesn’t take much in these days of Google and Wikipedia to actually check and see what names starting with V the RAN has had before. Apart from the Scrap Iron Flotilla HMAS Vigilant is perhaps most significant being the first Australian designed and built warship. As to Victory and Victorious why name two ships after the one thing? Like naming the HMA Ships Happy and Happiness…maybe a Victory or Victorious or even a Van Demen, there are plenty of possibilities.
The problem here is the RAN tends to name ITS ships for battles it fought in. There was no Navy presence at Long Tan or Kokoda. Anzac and Tobruk had Navy gloriously dieing in the bucket loads so earning their places on the honour roll.I wouldn't mind seeing some of our larger battles used for names, already have Tobruk, could see the same for Gallipoli, Long Tan, Kokoda and am sure there are others that are suitable.
Agree, it would be hard to change this tradition, naming ships after cities and towns around the country instills a sence of ownership and pride in the ship named after your city/town.But none of this is going to compete with naming ships after towns, cities, suburbs or rivers. This is where people live and the community connection is gold for politicians and peace time Navy leaderships. For the pride in ship of the sailors serving onboard HMA Ships “Boondocks” I guess it could be worse. Public service post modernism could determine ship names and they could be named the Property of the Government of Australia Allocated to the Navy as a Ship (PGAANS) “A Fair and Equitable Place in the Global Community”.
To strike fear in the heart of Australia's enemiesI think it might be a while before anyone enthusiastically adopts the name - HMAS Wombat...
YOUR 'NEW' LHD, is it being built in-country ? If so then spending your dollars in Oz is the best way to get value for money, as the cash hopefully comes back to the country, via taxes, employees spending their hard earned, as well as buying from Australian suppliers.If Largs was $350 million and another new build LHD was $800 million both were affordable what should the RAN choose? Also a large percentage would be spent within Australia on fitout supporting Australian industry and its economy.
$350M is chicken feed ! If it costs that much to buy & modify the ship, it will be a WHOLE lot quicker than building from scratch (i'd estimate at less than 1 year, whereas new build you're talking nearer 3 years)While Largs is quiet capable, the LHD is in another league. $350 is a lot of money, Nativia might be able to build us something (Galacia, mini LHD or LHD) with that money.
While it wouldn't be inservice tomorrow, it would be new build, probably more capable, exactly meeting Australian requirements (Largs would still need minor modifications anyway for the RAN hanger etc).
Good points, well made. However is a Ro-Ro the way to go ? Great for transporting veichles, but not ideal for providing support during disaster relief, unless you've got a functioning, safe harbour, but I think you're also asking the right questions about Helo's & Landing craft, after all, do you have them, are they ready to go, or are ya gonna have to spend MORE cash ??In the intrim Australia could lease a ferry/roro etc until something decent is finished. Even if the RAN had a ship, how are our helos going? What about our landing craft?
I have a feeling that the UK Govt isn't 'dicking around' , but that the issues are closer to the Govt in the southern hemisphere ! :idea2If the UK is going to dick around on price, then fine, the RAN has other options, its not a ransom situation. They can then palm it off the the Canadians or something. Buying the only ship to come out of a yard before it closed and its follow on was finished at another yard seems like a can of worms. While new, its not like Australia was able to supervise the build etc.
A Roro would be complimentary to the sealift we are getting and planning to get. If leased it would be easily disposed of. I only listed it as one of many options. We don't have to get Largs, there are other equally good options that already floating around at the moment (Fodure). Very comparible to the Largs. There was much rumor a while back it being a HSV some sort of 150m long tri or cat.However is a Ro-Ro the way to go
That is proberly true.. Im not against Largs, its proberly the most capable, just against a rip off or having our hand forced into something we might regret.I PERSONALLY, don't buy that ! Having worked on all 4 ships, as a sub-cotractor, during the build & testing phase, I know what happened at Swan's & the UK Govt made the best decision to give them to BAE to 'Finish them off'.
HSV tens to be quite fragile and have a very limited deadweight meaning the available volume does not necessarly relate to carriage capacity in mass.A Roro would be complimentary to the sealift we are getting and planning to get. If leased it would be easily disposed of. I only listed it as one of many options. We don't have to get Largs, there are other equally good options that already floating around at the moment (Fodure). Very comparible to the Largs. There was much rumor a while back it being a HSV some sort of 150m long tri or cat.
Trouble is we don't have a few years, we need the Bay Class now, even if our bid is successful, we wouldn't see her in Australian waters until at least the end of the year. We'd be getting the sea-lift ship, a few years earlier, all be it a second hand, almost new vessel.If it's being built in Spain, does it make sense to have it shipped back to Oz for fitting out, or actually buying from Australian suppliers, then have the goods shipped to Spain?
To be honest, if it's the Spanish option, I think it'd cost more purely because of the transport costs...
$350M is chicken feed ! If it costs that much to buy & modify the ship, it will be a WHOLE lot quicker than building from scratch (i'd estimate at less than 1 year, whereas new build you're talking nearer 3 years)
Good points, well made. However is a Ro-Ro the way to go ? Great for transporting veichles, but not ideal for providing support during disaster relief, unless you've got a functioning, safe harbour, but I think you're also asking the right questions about Helo's & Landing craft, after all, do you have them, are they ready to go, or are ya gonna have to spend MORE cash ??
I have a feeling that the UK Govt isn't 'dicking around' , but that the issues are closer to the Govt in the southern hemisphere ! :idea2
I reckon it would be a good way to get your career nutz cut off...We've been told the RAN manning numbers, not sure if I can make it public though.
absolutely. they are very very focused on getting rid of her. the dicking around will come from the successful bidder then negotiating the final reqs for release and transfer and what bits are coming with it.The UK government, isn't 'dicking' anyone around, seven countries have put bids in for Largs Bay, only they know if they will be swayed financially or politically to the winning countries bid.