It stemmed from the link
The Type 26 frigate mission bay. Part 1 – design and development
on which the second page
MTLS and ASROC – killing the submarine without a helicopter
However, given they are well under construction, normally by now something like this would be clearly indicated.
I was also surprised that the type 45 wasn't fitted with any.
Type 45 is an Air Defence Destroyer, Type 26 is an Anti-Submarine Frigate. On a ship such as T45, 'self' launched
torpedoes are 'a hail Mary', a last ditch attempt to attack a submarine that will effectively be within a short distance from the ship. Now I'm not saying that having that odd shaped spanner that you'll use for a single task in your tool box isn't a good thing and from memory TLS was an IPMD 'future fit' (
i.e. when the UK MoD has the funds & deems it's a requirement), but Stingray only has a short, effective range. That's part of the reason having a helo that can do ASW activities & drop the same, short range torpedo is a 'GOOD THING' for T45, as it gives it the capability, without the expense.
I see elsewhere in the thread that there are comments / concerns about whether a TLS system should be independent of the main Air Weapons Magazine, or fully integrated into it.
Many ships use on deck launchers for Torpedoes, Type 23 ASW Frigates have their MTLS fully integrated. Stating that one is better than another is not comparing apples with apples, as each Navy operates their ships as they see fit. Cost of equipment / upkeep, physical foot print / available space & dozens of other issues can all have an effect on whether a particular class of vessel needs that capability or not.
I also noticed in the x2 part article on T26 that while it mentions an available space for a single TLS, it doesn't explain where they believe the actual Air Weapons magazine is intended to be located (
understandable as they were discussing the benefits of the Mission Bay, not Air Weapons & most Navies really don't like everyone knowing which explosives store is located where on a ship !).
Purely based on the image shown in the article, I would say that you are looking at the launcher facility, rather than a full blown AW magazine. The ship is approx 20m wide on the beam (
Type 26 frigate - Wikipedia) & with the hanger going to be about 50% of that (about 10m wide), it logically leaves you circa 25% either side. So a 5m wide magazine (
Port to Stbd), with a torpedo that is less than 3m long (
Sting Ray (torpedo) - Wikipedia), really doesn't leave you much room to store the weapon & the handling / delivery system to get it into the tube.
I think that's why the 2nd article about ASROC is interesting, as if you have a silo big enough to accept VLA, it makes for a much more appealing capability, as the launcher can deposit the torpedo up to 20Km from the ship, leaving the torpedo the ability to travel up to 8 - 11Km further.
All of this obviously depends on the weapon / delivery system & whether the ship has the room / facilities to accommodate the equipment.