Royal Australian Air Force [RAAF] News, Discussions and Updates


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Out of curiosity, what do you mean by game changer?

I see it getting thrown around a lot, but honestly? I can think of one weapon in history that has been a game changer.... Just one.
The artillery gun?

old faithful

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Game changer throughout warfare?
How about centrefire rifle and ammunition?
The invention of the submarine?
Long life field rations?
The internal combustion engine?
Weaponising aircraft?
And as already pointed out, the Atmoic bomb.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, interesting.
I’m thinking there’s a lot of innovative use of technologies mentioned.
In the scope of warfare tho, the Atomic Bomb is the most pivotal and profound geo-strategic modifier known to mankind.

Humans have and will find tools to use with which to club each other to death for perceived gain most efficiently, but the development of the Atom Bomb and MAD actually stops conflict.

I suggest that without it, we would already be in a conventional Third World War, ……TODAY!
What has limited it to a local conflict in Ukraine/Crimea, at the minute of my typing and correcting spelling, is the spectre of zero civilisation if it gets out of control.

Thats the ultimate game changer.

old faithful

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
One thing that I find a little annoying, is the dribble effect of military aid to Ukraine.
I understand that troops need to be trained to use such gear, and that it just does not materialise from scratch. But I really hope that there are hundreds of pilots being trained to fly modern fighter/attack aircraft somewhere and that a huge and decisive military aid package is on the way and soon. Because atm, it seems that we are only prolonging an eventual defeat at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives.


One thing that I find a little annoying, is the dribble effect of military aid to Ukraine.
I understand that troops need to be trained to use such gear, and that it just does not materialise from scratch. But I really hope that there are hundreds of pilots being trained to fly modern fighter/attack aircraft somewhere and that a huge and decisive military aid package is on the way and soon. Because atm, it seems that we are only prolonging an eventual defeat at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives.
Attempting to train large numbers of fighter pilots to fly US/Euro fighters does not IMO sound like a particularly efficient or effective use of resources.

I forget what the figure was, and have no idea what the figure currently is, but at one point it cost something like USD$5 mil. to train a fighter pilot in the US. So to get a hundred fighter pilots trained for the Ukraine, one is looking at something like USD$500 mil.

That would establish a pool of pilots capable of flying US or European fighters, but would not be anywhere close to what is needed to establish a Western fighter capability for the Ukraine. In order for such a capability to be established a number of additional things are needed, beyond 'just' the pilots. There is a need for capable, modern fighters themselves plus appropriate ordnance. Groundcrews and maintainers for said fighters need to be trained as well as establishing the tool and parts setups needed to maintain and repair the fighters. There is the potential need for upgrades or repairs to provide appropriate airbase facilities.

Also, in order to really make effective use of Western fighters, Ukraine would need to change some of how it fights in the air, as well as establishing some of the supporting capabilities which make NATO air so effective.

I do believe that at some point, the Ukraine will need to stand up an airforce that is not substantially composed of Russian/Soviet aircraft. However, I do not see now as being the time to devote the billions of dollars, plus the personnel and time, which would be required to do this.


Super Moderator
I think they're being offered free training, & there may be free aircraft in the future, so this could be seen as initial preparation.

old faithful

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Well if the west is going to defeat Russia, then they need to do more than send a couple of hundred tanks, and money.
If they want this to truly be over, then they will have to provide decisive force them selves, because as it stands, it's been over a year now, and no victory is imminent for either side. We are prolonging Ukraine's survival at best.
I get the politics. Is Putin really prepared to "push the button?"
Do we really think we can drag this out for a few more years until Russia withdraw, unconditionally? All the while Ukraine dies a slow death....


Well-Known Member
Well if the west is going to defeat Russia, then they need to do more than send a couple of hundred tanks, and money.
If they want this to truly be over, then they will have to provide decisive force them selves, because as it stands, it's been over a year now, and no victory is imminent for either side. We are prolonging Ukraine's survival at best.
I get the politics. Is Putin really prepared to "push the button?"
Do we really think we can drag this out for a few more years until Russia withdraw, unconditionally? All the while Ukraine dies a slow death....
Fair questions with probably ugly and unpredictable answers.
The situation is a complete mess.

For this thread we can observe what works and doesn't in the modern battle space and implement that for the ADF.

Cheers S


Well-Known Member
A few articles here I came across regarding current air weapons and those in development, costs and the weapons considerations that are required when discussing aircraft types. I found them interesting and would be of relevance in any RAAF chat about aircraft volumes and types.

This one primarily about weapons in development.



The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Naah. They just went from vertical high curtain walls to sloped, angled thick low walls with cannon in embrasures. There were star forts all over Europe before long, e.g. one of quite a few I've visited - Lille · France
Completely off topic but I love the look of the star forts and if I was a stupidly rich billionaire, would likely build one to live in.

The operative word being stupid .....