I think this is what you’re after:Mods, Just a question and I am not sure of the recommended process. Any idea when the navy forum is going to come out of the naughty corner?
Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates 2.0
I think this is what you’re after:Mods, Just a question and I am not sure of the recommended process. Any idea when the navy forum is going to come out of the naughty corner?
Unfortunately the original (and best) RAN thread has been closed... permanently (not happy Jan!!)Mods, Just a question and I am not sure of the recommended process. Any idea when the navy forum is going to come out of the naughty corner?
Thanks. Found itUnfortunately the original (and best) RAN thread has been closed... permanently (not happy Jan!!)
In its place is the new RAN 2.0 thread (again, not happy Jan!!).
You can of course still access, read and use the original thread as a historical reference.
PS, did I say not happy? Still not happy!
Unfortunately the original (and best) RAN thread has been closed... permanently (not happy Jan!!)
In its place is the new RAN 2.0 thread (again, not happy Jan!!).
You can of course still access, read and use the original thread as a historical reference.
PS, did I say not happy? Still not happy!
Mate,I just posted that in the ADF thread @john N....Did you read the one on Army to?
StingrayOz posted the links in the ADF thread !
Looks like they managed to get every one of those claims wrong. IIRC the F22 only outperforms the F35 in the range/radius department if it uses EFTs, and I'm not sure whether they would be practical on operational missions or if they are typically reserved for mundane ferry flights. If the Raptor elects to use its supercruising capability for a significant length of time, the balance tilts ever further in favour of the Lightning. The funny part is that the Raptor's more limited reach seems to be one of the main motivators behind replacing it with NGAD next decade...Specifically this quote:
“There are fighter jets on the market with much longer range, such as the fourth-generation F-22s – about 3000 kilometres – but their lack of stealth would be a major trade-off in a modern war.”
What the fu*k! What the fu*k! Seriously???
You will have to let us know if you get a reply .... and what was said.Some people wonder why us old timers here on DT have zero respect for Defence reporting in the main stream media, and even less respect for the so called journalists who write the crap.
Check out this article from The Age/SMH:
Is Australia ready for war? The air force’s biggest problem with China is how to get there
With a combat range of just 1000 kilometres, can the multibillion-dollar Joint Strike Fighter be the right fit for the Royal Australian Air Force?www.theage.com.au
Specifically this quote:
“There are fighter jets on the market with much longer range, such as the fourth-generation F-22s – about 3000 kilometres – but their lack of stealth would be a major trade-off in a modern war.”
What the fu*k! What the fu*k! Seriously???
The F-22 is “on the market” it’s “fourth generation” and it “lacks stealth”, but has a long range!!
Again I say, what the fu*k!!!
I’m going to email this moron and give him both barrels!!!
By the way, there are also a fair number of other inaccurate and false statements too, the F-22 statement being the dumbest.
I will indeed.You will have to let us know if you get a reply .... and what was said.
I was struck by this comment in the article relating to the Hawk Mk.127 " the average airframe age, in terms of flying hours, is only around one-third of its verified fatigue life." Is there some deficiency in the Hawk Mk.127 that makes the RAAF want to get rid of them early?upon recent reflection I have found these
.Hawk 127 | Royal Australian Air Force
The Hawk 127 lead-in fighter prepares qualified Air Force pilots for operational conversion to F/A-18A and F/A-18B Hornets and F/A-18F Super Hornets.www.airforce.gov.au
33 of them.
Advanced trainers ??? Well played RAAF well played
Then I found this
Companies line up for potential Hawk replacement opportunity - Australian Defence Magazine
The Commonwealth’s Request For Information for its proposed Lead In Fighter Trainer (LIFT) program to be delivered under Air 6002 Phase 1 closed on Friday, eliciting responses from at least three comp...www.australiandefence.com.au
My Questions are
1. what am I looking for in the competitors ?
2. Is it a fifty fifty split between the primary role and secondary role ?
Laymens terms please.
Fatigue life is a measure of the integrity of the airframe itself. An aircraft may well have been flown to church Sundays by a very careful single owner for 30 years and barely have a scratch on the duco, much less metal fatigue endangering a wing spar but still have 30 year old avionics and perished wiring insulation (and so on)I was struck by this comment in the article relating to the Hawk Mk.127 " the average airframe age, in terms of flying hours, is only around one-third of its verified fatigue life." Is there some deficiency in the Hawk Mk.127 that makes the RAAF want to get rid of them early?
The Hawk 127s were delivered with the same Cockpit layout as the classic Hornets, the RAAF may be looking to upgrade to a Trainer with something akin to the F-35A and the baseline Hawk design is now approaching its 50th Birthday.I was struck by this comment in the article relating to the Hawk Mk.127 " the average airframe age, in terms of flying hours, is only around one-third of its verified fatigue life." Is there some deficiency in the Hawk Mk.127 that makes the RAAF want to get rid of them early?
This might answer some questions (ADBR, June 2020):I was struck by this comment in the article relating to the Hawk Mk.127 " the average airframe age, in terms of flying hours, is only around one-third of its verified fatigue life." Is there some deficiency in the Hawk Mk.127 that makes the RAAF want to get rid of them early?
Thanks John. If there are issues supporting the engine along with unanticipated fatigue in the wings then that makes sense. I am comforted that my tax dollars are being used responsibly and will sleep well tonight. You don't think Korea's T50 would get a look in?This might answer some questions (ADBR, June 2020):
RFI released for RAAF Hawk 127 LIF replacement | ADBR
The Commonwealth has released a Request for Information to industry for technologies that could lead to the replacement of the RAAF’s BAE Hawk 127 lead in fighter capability. The RFI…adbr.com.au
Specifically this paragraph:
“The Hawk is powered by the Rolls-Royce Turbomeca Adour Mk 871 which, in recent years has become increasingly difficult to support and has experienced cracking in the low bypass turbine. Engine problems and a persistent wing fatigue issue have led to a couple of groundings of the fleet, the last one in 2019.”
*Engine issues
*Wing fatigue issues (what is it with training aircraft? From memory the aircraft the Hawk replaced, MB-326H, suffered fatigue issues that forced earlier retirement too).
But let’s not forget the aircraft have now been in service for 20+ years too, time and technology moves on.
Hawk is/was a great aircraft when we had a 4th Gen air force, now we are well on our way to being a 5th Gen air force.
Could we spend buckets of money to modernise all of the avionics, etc? Sure, but why do that on a 20+ year old airframe?
My money is on a version of the Boeing T-7A replacing the Hawk 127 fleet.
T-50? No.Thanks John. If there are issues supporting the engine along with unanticipated fatigue in the wings then that makes sense. I am comforted that my tax dollars are being used responsibly and will sleep well tonight. You don't think Korea's T50 would get a look in?
Most training jets have a secondary role as a light attack craft, however I think in the future their may be a role for twin seat trainers acting as controllers for autonomous craft given we may have a significant fleet of drones in the future.
Yes training jets often have a secondary light attack role, etc, great for training, but I’d be worried if we had to go down to that last line of defence in a potential real future conflict.Most training jets have a secondary role as a light attack craft, however I think in the future their may be a role for twin seat trainers acting as controllers for autonomous craft given we may have a significant fleet of drones in the future.
The Hawks were a 20 year old design when the RAAF got them, The P8 is based on a design that has evolved from the original B737 of the 1960's. How old the basic airframe design is, is overshadowed by what is fitted to and into that that basic airframe.T-50? No.
It’s a 20yr old design, why go down that path?