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The US Govt tendering website has revealed the US Navy wants to turn the P8A basically into a long range bomber with the capability to deliver LRASM(JASSM-ER) SDB, JDAM and probably Laser Guided Weapons. Gives you (with JASSM-ER) the ability to hit targets close to 5000km away or alternatively to have a plane capable of precision strike with 10+ hours persistance above a battlefield.
Would imagine the RAAF would look seriously at the same upgrade as well.
Raises the question, would adding the Litening pod to the P8, as is being trialed with the C-130J by the RAAF, be useful for this or is the current electro-optical/laser designation capabilities adequate to fully exploit those weapons.
Would imagine the RAAF would look seriously at the same upgrade as well.
Raises the question, would adding the Litening pod to the P8, as is being trialed with the C-130J by the RAAF, be useful for this or is the current electro-optical/laser designation capabilities adequate to fully exploit those weapons.
beta.SAM.govThe Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), PMA-290 (Program Office for P-8A aircraft), is soliciting information from industry to determine potential contractors who have the skills, experience, qualifications, and knowledge required to perform aeromechanical and software integration of the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) onto the P-8A aircraft, with the potential to include, but not limited to, the following additional weapon systems: 500 lb to 2,000 lb class of Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) variants, Mk62/63/65 mines, Small Diameter Bomb (SDB-II), Miniature Air Launched Decoy (MALD), Bomb Rack Unit BRU-55, and Universal Armament Interface (UAI).