The government is considering another 24 Super Hornets with a view to getting some JSFs some time in the future, and eventually running a mixed fleet. But given the length of time we keep planes in service - 40 years for the F-111s - and the dire state of the defence budget, it would probably be many years, 2025 at the absolute earliest, before we ever got any JSFs.
In the long run, this would leave us with an inferior air force and higher costs. An air force, by say 2035 or 2040, of 48 Super Hornets and 50 JSFs would be vastly inferior to an air force of 100 JSFs. .
A couple of things:
1. It says above "eventually running a mixed fleet". But this is not something new, is it?
It is my understanding that RAAF has been running a mixed fleet for a long time; Hornets and F111. Now they are still running a mixed fleet: SH and Hornets. In the near future they will run a mixed fleet no matter what decisions they make.
Let's say they don't buy any more SH. Will they phase out all the Hornets and then start phasing in F-35? If they do, they will end up with a tiny fleet of only 24 SH.
Or will they start phasing out Hornet and phase in F-35 at the same time? If they do, they will during the transition period operate 3 different types of aircraft! If the transition period is very long, that could be very painful.
The other thing: Above it compares 48 SH and 50 F-35 to 100 F-35. However I strongly doubt that is a valid comparison. I don't know what a valid comparison would look like, perhaps something along the line of "48 SH and 50 F-35" to "75 F-35"...?
The F-35 is a after all becoming quite expensive. If you in addition take into account all the costs of operating F-35, SH and the old Hornets for a long transition period, I doubt you will ever see 100 F-35 in the RAAF... unless you find oil of course