On current plans, AIR 6000 Phase 2A/B, the first phase of the acquisition, will consider acquiring up to 72 CTOL F-35A aircraft to establish three operational squadrons, a training squadron and necessary supporting/enabling elements to replace the current F/A-18 A/B Hornet capability.
•In November 2009, the Government approved funding for Phase 2A/B (Stage 1) to acquire 14 CTOL F-35A aircraft, support and enabling elements required to establish the initial pilot and maintainer training capability in the US and to allow conduct of operational test in the US and Australia. The first two F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft will be delivered in the US in 2014. The delivery of the next 12 aircraft, originally scheduled for delivery in the 2015-2017 timeframe, will now be delayed by two years.
•Phase 2A/B (Stage 2) will consider approving funding for the next tranche of (up to) 58 CTOL F-35A aircraft and support and enabling elements to form the first three operational squadrons and a training unit. A Government risk assessment of overall F-35 progress, and any recommendations, to be presented to Government in late 2012, will inform a decision on the way ahead for Stage 2..
A subsequent AIR 6000 Phase 2C is planned to acquire the fourth operational squadron to bring the total number of aircraft to around 100. A decision on Phase 2C – not expected before 2015 – will depend on the decision on the timing of the withdrawal of the F/A-18F Super Hornets.