Royal Australian Air Force [RAAF] News, Discussions and Updates


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
for those that dont want to read the whole PDF
Most of us have read that stuff and discussed it at length many times.

We're just poking a bit of fun at the Clown Club...

They take themselves FAR too seriously....


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Cracking up here guys. :eek:nfloorl::lol3

Do Mr Kopp and Mr Goon read these forums?
Goon at least does. He was a member of the site a few years back under the name of Occam and he has threatened all sorts of legal action against some of us at various times...

Unfortunately for him, his understanding of Torts is about as profound as his understanding of airpower...

Abraham Gubler

Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Goon at least does. He was a member of the site a few years back under the name of Occam and he has threatened all sorts of legal action against some of us at various times...

Unfortunately for him, his understanding of Torts is about as profound as his understanding of airpower...
He once quite literally told me (2007) his claim for compensation from the Commonwealth if they ever brought F-22s (he expects to get paid) was copyright law. Because he and Kopp and other associates had written a range of articles about the RAAF having F-22s he thought that entitled him to ownership of the force structure. Of course copyright law is expressly a claim to ownership of presentation not the idea: you can’t paint a picture of the setting sun and therefore own all subsequent pictures of setting suns from that moment forward. Didn’t hear from him for a while after that exchange…


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
He once quite literally told me (2007) his claim for compensation from the Commonwealth if they ever brought F-22s (he expects to get paid) was copyright law. Because he and Kopp and other associates had written a range of articles about the RAAF having F-22s he thought that entitled him to ownership of the force structure. Of course copyright law is expressly a claim to ownership of presentation not the idea: you can’t paint a picture of the setting sun and therefore own all subsequent pictures of setting suns from that moment forward. Didn’t hear from him for a while after that exchange…
Damn, sounds good to me. I'm pretty sure I suggested Army should have M1A1's, several years before the project was raised and they actually bought them and wrote about that here.

Clearly ADF stole my intellectual property!!! IF CDF or the Minister is reading this I'll be happy to settle for 5% of project cost...



With the possibility of F35 slipping further along and Australia might look at further buy of Super Hornets the scuttle bug is for 18 aircraft.

Why 18 aircraft and not 24, 2 squadrons worth can someone explain the logic in numbers please. Or is the amount of aircraft with the least airworthiness problems.

Air force eyes 18 more Super Hornets as delays dog our new fighter | The Australian
its already been discussed, starting on page 159 :)


Active Member
Mixed F 35/Super Hornet fleet no option...

This story appeared in the Canberra times a week or so ago.

Apart from the invasion from the North scenario - kinda fun to read , it points out from Air Vice-Marshal Osley;

Compromise proposals including scaling back F-35 purchases to buy more Super Hornets just aren't an option.

''I'm here to deliver the JSF, not a mixed fleet,'' he said. ''A mixed fleet might be cheaper to acquire but would ultimately cost more to maintain.''

Link here ;
Defending the future - Opinion - Editorial - General - The Canberra Times


Super Moderator
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Verified Defense Pro
I see Mr Kopp of Air Power Australia is extensively quoted in the US defence press. Chinese Avionics Advances Ripple Throughout Asia - Defense News The article is interesting but I don't think highly informative. However that is just my opinion. I do feel that we ignore Chinese technical advances, tactical gains and strategic abilities at our peril. I note that the ex Russian / Ukrainian carrier Varag is supposed to be undertaking it's first cruise either next week or next month. It takes a long time to develop good naval aviation skills, but where there is a will there is a way.


Super Moderator
Regardles of clown clubs doom and gloom Chicken Little, the Russians dont seem too fussed about the J-20
China's 5G fighter 'a showoff' | World | RIA Novosti

I hope they have allowed for the carbon fibre reinforced plastic tech that Boeing has transfered to them through airliners
As much as certain people like Carlo Kopp overstating Chinese military threat, Pogosyan seems intent to underestimate Chinese military industry advances. There seems to be some bitterness over J-11B in that comment. The truth is somewhere in the middle.


Active Member
yes, thats why I thew the rider in there, with russian and western tech finding a home and china being able to throw money at their R&D, they are not to be dismissed

there is a chinese saying that goes along the lines of "the west will sell us the rope that we will use to hang them with"


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
there is a chinese saying that goes along the lines of "the west will sell us the rope that we will use to hang them with"

I think it was the steel man himself during lend lease, but this is one of those sayings thats traversed and ended up with multiple authors.. :)

Abraham Gubler

Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I think it was the steel man himself during lend lease, but this is one of those sayings thats traversed and ended up with multiple authors.. :)
Actually it was Lenin who said that about capitalists from the early days of the Soviet Union. But I doubt it applies in comparison to China and the world. Consumer production is not the kind of technology you need to develop in order to improve the performance of your military in the information age. And for every piece of rope sold to China and then sold back to the west that is binding them into the global economy. War could happen by accident but it would be far more disastrous for the Chinese economy before a shoot was fired than for the US/West.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Actually it was Lenin who said that about capitalists from the early days of the Soviet Union.
after traweling through the net trying to find the source I had 5 for stalin and 3 for lenin and 1 for the chinese.

I should have dollar cost averaged and just attributed it to a communist :)

Abraham Gubler

Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
after traweling through the net trying to find the source I had 5 for stalin and 3 for lenin and 1 for the chinese.

I should have dollar cost averaged and just attributed it to a communist :)
Well I know this quote from the thing we had before the internet: books.

The quote is a poetic contraction of what Lenin said in a speech:

"The capitalists of the world and their governments, in pursuit of conquest of the Soviet market, will close their eyes to the indicated higher reality and thus will turn into deaf-mute blind men. They will extend credits, which will strengthen for us the Communist party in their countries and giving us the materials and technology we lack, they will restore our military industry, indispensable for our future victorious attack on our suppliers. In other words, they will labor for the preparation for their own suicide."

It is in the conext of the Soviet Union in the early 1920s launching the New Economic Policy part of which encouraged western investment, mostly American and German, in the Soviet economy.


Active Member
THE US Air Force has grounded its entire fleet of F-22 fighters, after problems emerged with the plane's oxygen supply, officials said.
The radar-evading F-22 Raptors have been barred from flying since May 3 and Air Force officials could not say when the world's most advanced fighter planes would return to the air.

It looks like we did the right thing in not purchasing them for the RAAF.:dance


Active Member
THE US Air Force has grounded its entire fleet of F-22 fighters, after problems emerged with the plane's oxygen supply, officials said.
The radar-evading F-22 Raptors have been barred from flying since May 3 and Air Force officials could not say when the world's most advanced fighter planes would return to the air.

It looks like we did the right thing in not purchasing them for the RAAF.:dance
I don't think we actually had any choice in not purchasing them did we? I thought they just were not available for export? That being said I bet they are wishing they were now as a bit of foreign investment and big dollars for allied sales would have kept the assembly line open for a bit longer wouldn't it? (correct me if I am wrong)