So, what sort of split would work ? If they bought another 12 B's and the rest A's then chopped 24 to FAA with the type conversion all happening at Wittering or wherever using the remainder of the purple assets ?
What would work for carrier aviation ? We're all worried about just not getting enough cabs on deck so what numbers on a split buy would work ? Or is a pure B fleet the only way ? There's a good twenty million between the A and the B let alone sustain costs so buyiing 90 A would save something just around 1.8bn just in procurement of the jets (or about half the price of a carrier..)
Add in spares costs saving and you'd be paying for a trio or more of Type 26 for instance.
What works ?
What would work for carrier aviation ? We're all worried about just not getting enough cabs on deck so what numbers on a split buy would work ? Or is a pure B fleet the only way ? There's a good twenty million between the A and the B let alone sustain costs so buyiing 90 A would save something just around 1.8bn just in procurement of the jets (or about half the price of a carrier..)
Add in spares costs saving and you'd be paying for a trio or more of Type 26 for instance.
What works ?