Excailbur Sabot???
Is there a standard ratio for round to sabot? What I wonder is what size the sabot would be for the Excalibur 155MM guided round? The sabot would provide extended range like the OTO Melara Volcano round. What caliber naval gun would it take to fire a sabot version of the Excalibur?I completely agree I can't see why the USN does not purse something like the 8"/55 mk 71 (now there is potential for more accurate guided rounds) , but this has got to be the heaviest shore bombardment round needed, after that you get better value out of aircraft/missiles. Lets face it there are very few land based artillery pieces over 155mm now in service with armies . The whole idea of ships like the Iowa is a joke. These ships were obsolete when they were built. Just to show how mad the whole idea is; if you were to go back to the 1930s now, with the complete benefit of hindsight, would you find anyone prepared to sacrifice even one carrier for a single battleship?