I'd agree with that, there have been efforts at a radical departure, the G41 had an almost ray gun preformance, but perfecting the ammo proved too difficult to be economically fesabile. american/german XM8 system just did'ent improve enough on what was already avalible to be worth the effort.To me all assault riles have reached their pinnacle with 5.56 mm and it will take a while for some entirely new approach to ballistics and gunnery that would change the status quo.
If body armour keeps improving I think we'll be looking at large calibre caseless ammo soon enough, whats the point of an 5.56 or 6.8 or 7.62 round if you have to be within 20 30 yards or even closer to punch through body armour. Who knows the days of heavily armoured close combat may soon be upon us again!