Another thing is that a CICBM would be an excellent anti-terrorist/asymetric warfare weapon. Asymetric threats tend to base themselves in remote locations or in areas where traditional military methods would cause too much collateral damage and limits the NCA/CINC in what they can do. Also unless you have forward deployed forces, your options to hit targets of opportunity are severly limited. Then there are the potential basing rights and/or logistical concerns for theater assets and overflight issues for CONUS or outside the theater assets which take hours to days to respond. Considering the intelligence capabilities of some of the alphabet agencies(which have blood on their hands BTW unless you think Russian organic SIGINT...nevermind...), we could have GF's Chechnyan example but at intercontinental distances.
In fact in the near future, more and more wars will start by having the diplomatic organizations formally declaring high profile targets who would otherwise be diplomatically untouchable as illegitimate and demanding surrender. After this point and a short ultimatum. If the target makes even the slightest mistake(5-30 min worth) in OPSEC. A CAV payload will be raining down on the recalcitrant military and political leadership of the nation/organization in question. This will be combined with PSYOPs before, during and after the strike to prevent a more broad conflict.
In fact in the near future, more and more wars will start by having the diplomatic organizations formally declaring high profile targets who would otherwise be diplomatically untouchable as illegitimate and demanding surrender. After this point and a short ultimatum. If the target makes even the slightest mistake(5-30 min worth) in OPSEC. A CAV payload will be raining down on the recalcitrant military and political leadership of the nation/organization in question. This will be combined with PSYOPs before, during and after the strike to prevent a more broad conflict.
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