Protection for artillerymen


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I understand that mistakes and accidents always happen (Man was I afraid of my first real round).
I was just interested if there is a similar system. :)


the corporal
Verified Defense Pro
Sorry lads being too busy to notice this thread...

Anyway we used the standart finnish army antisnarpel-vests and the nomral composite helmet which allowed the use of earmuffins.

The regulations of our armed forced calls douple-ear protection every time when firing heavy weapons like artillery pieces. So normal finnish artillerist first sticks these small earblugs into his earchannel and then puts on the earmuffins. The gunleader and aimer however uses these special "active-earprotection" muffins which are much more soundproof than the standart units. These special muffins have inbuild system with microphone and small speaker which allows you to hear normal speak like you wouldn't wear any earprotection at all, but as soon as the noise reaches certain level, the system shuts down. For example if you clab your hands, the system automatically cuts the noise and resume instantly after the noise is gone.
It's very effective system and it improves the communication inside the guncrew considerably. You could also incorporate the new radio system which was introducted when I was "inside" but I unfortunately didn't got the change to use it (the radiosystem)

As we were to use the earprotection even when we fired our rifles with blanks so one time we got this great idea to issue the active muffins to the guy in the sentry turn...Wasen't so great idea as the system was so senitive, it made every little noise hearing from the woods sounds like enemy troops trying to sneak to our battery...Only caused paranoia amoung the sentries so we decided to drop the idea...


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Sorry lads being too busy to notice this thread...

Anyway we used the standart finnish army antisnarpel-vests and the nomral composite helmet which allowed the use of earmuffins.

The regulations of our armed forced calls douple-ear protection every time when firing heavy weapons like artillery pieces. So normal finnish artillerist first sticks these small earblugs into his earchannel and then puts on the earmuffins. The gunleader and aimer however uses these special "active-earprotection" muffins which are much more soundproof than the standart units. These special muffins have inbuild system with microphone and small speaker which allows you to hear normal speak like you wouldn't wear any earprotection at all, but as soon as the noise reaches certain level, the system shuts down. For example if you clab your hands, the system automatically cuts the noise and resume instantly after the noise is gone.
It's very effective system and it improves the communication inside the guncrew considerably. You could also incorporate the new radio system which was introducted when I was "inside" but I unfortunately didn't got the change to use it (the radiosystem)

As we were to use the earprotection even when we fired our rifles with blanks so one time we got this great idea to issue the active muffins to the guy in the sentry turn...Wasen't so great idea as the system was so senitive, it made every little noise hearing from the woods sounds like enemy troops trying to sneak to our battery...Only caused paranoia amoung the sentries so we decided to drop the idea...
Thanks Gollaveinen.

Do the composite helmets that you mentioned look like the CVC helmets that tankers use?