Preventing Terrorism: Paving the Way to Peace With Invincible Defense Technology


New Member
Why are these studies not published on the web? Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands (partly) in response to stress, and the body has an elaborate feeedback system that regulates the amount of cortisol produced. No offense, but it defies medical science to say that a group of people meditating can affect the adrenal glands of someone else through this "unified field".

Also, why has "vedic flying" not been scientifically documented? This would go a long way to legitimizing your claims wrt the brain's ability to interact with this hypothetical unified field.


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Verified Defense Pro
"These results suggested that the greater the number of people practicing this program together, the more normal (or unstressed) the people in the surrounding area became. "

Tatra (who has a PhD from a school that rivals Harvard in his particular field of study) thinks this suggests that TM - if it works - may be a means to fight symptoms rather than a cure. The best is still to understand a disease and its causes and then to generate a cure or take away the causes (rather then to fight the symptoms but let the disease run its course).

HighSea has been far nicer then I am and will be. Why is it that I get uneasy when people insist on flaunting their education, the institutes that are involved and lots of research to make a point. Survival of the fittest: if this approach were really any good it would have already been adopted on a large scale!


New Member
Carla Brown EdD said:
...I asked Dr. Kleinschnitz to address your next question re: the theoretical explanations involving the unified field. His doctoral dissertation dealt with this question:
Thank you Dr. Brown. I apologize also for the delay in my reply. I will continue in my role as the sceptic, if you don't mind. ;)
Dr. Kleinschnitz via Carla Brown said:
...It is actually easier to say what mechanisms it cannot be than what mechanism it is. For example, it is not weak or strong nuclear force because they are far too short range. It is not likely to be classical gravitation—which is long-range but incredibly weak, and there is no reason to propose a human sensory capability of detecting such weak gravity waves. And at the source there is no reason to suspect a classical gravitational influence. Electromagnetism at first blush seems to be a candidate for the mechanism, but as one looks more deeply into it, it becomes apparent that it cannot be the mechanism. ... One can go through any list of potential mechanisms and rule them out.
I agree. There is nothing in current physics can account for the effect that is claimed. Every interaction has to have a mediator, and none of the known forces and their mediators can be considered a candidate for the effect.
Dr. Kleinschnitz via Carla Brown said:
Quite the opposite for the unified field. The unified field suggests itself as the mechanism for a number of reasons. It could be long range. It is bosonic, like gravity and electromagnetism, and so a super-radiance-like phenomenon can make sense. This is a highly important clue. The unified field is, as the writer mentioned, at the scale where gravity is united with the other three forces. The Maharishi Effect is profoundly connected with a quantum gravity scenario, as the most striking feature of such a group is that people are lifting up into the air during the practice of Yogic Flying—the most powerful of the TM-Sidhis and probably the practice most responsible for the Maharishi Effect. This lifting up could be connected with quantum gravity in a profound way. The unified field in its character is neither energy, nor matter, but extraordinarily most like thought-stuff...Inside unified field theory itself, there are a number of promising potential candidates for the mechanism. Each point above could be unfolded in really great detail.
This seems to be a misstatement of Unified Field Theory as it applies to physics. The point where the 4 forces are unified is the state of the universe ~1/100th. sec. after the big bang. The 4 forces were separated one by one through a process of symmetry breaking in the very first moments of the universe's existence. Thus, Unified Field Theory, as it applies to physics, does not imply that such a condition exists in today's universe. The field as it is described by IDT is more akin to the "ether" of the late 1800's, which has been discredited long ago as a workable theory.

To suggest that it is connected to gravity, means that the mediator would be the theoretical graviton- the boson that is the force carrying particle for gravtiy. We have already ruled this out, since there is no logical way we can conclude that the brain has some mechanism for manipulating gravitons. Incidentally, if Vedic Flying could be scientifically documented, this would give credibility to this part of the theory. I would say that this should be the #1 priority for proponents of IDT. Prove that Vedic Flying is real, and you would have no problem with funding for further research.

Even so, we are left trying to explain how gravitational effects can produce the results claimed by IDT, such as modifying the metabolic rates in the human body in accordance with the persons doing the meditating, or how these effects can be "focused" on specific conflicts- meditators in Iowa affect a war in Lebanon, but there is no worldwide peace at the same time.
Dr. Kleinschnitz via Carla Brown said:
However, truthfully, mechanism is not the central issue. It is really a red herring. Our civilization was able to employ the telegraph with only a very rudimentary understanding of the electromagnetic field. Likewise, contrast the state of aeronautics at the time of the Wright brothers and today. What will we know about DNA a hundred years from now? Our ignorance doesn’t stop us from using what we do know. In almost every field of science and technology we employ whatever limited understanding we possess, and surely not a complete understanding, of natural law for the benefit of the human race.
Actually, we had a very good working understanding of electrmagnetism before telegraphs were ever put into use. Tesla's work with radio in the late 1800's laid the groundwork for the implementation of telegraphs, electrical power generation, radio, etc. The Wright Brothers at least had a basic understanding of aerodynamic principles, lift and drag, level flight and turning flight, etc. Wrt DNA, biology has only been able to make reliable predictions in genetics after our knowledge of DNA became more advanced.
Dr. Kleinschnitz via Carla Brown said:
There is no technology comparable whatever to the Maharishi Effect. The cost-effectiveness, the humanity of the approach (as opposed to warfare, conflict, competition, etc.), the simplicity, the immediate (almost instantaneous) payback, and its reliability set it apart from any other methods for resolving conflict, and administering society. A practical government would put it to work today, pay attention as they went along, and sort out the mechanism over time. It is my hope someone gets excited about all this, and just pushes it forward. There is research, there are countless anecdotes, there is so much to all of this for anyone to just look, satisfy themselves, and give it a try.†[/font]
So far all I have seen is anectodal evidence, and not well documented. I would think that getting the evidence published online would be a step forward for proponents of IDT.

Part of my discomfort comes from calling it a "technology", when there is no technology involved. I would call it Metaphysics. Also, using terms like unified fields, while possibly attractive to a layman, will turn off someone with a scientific background, unless you are able to give it a scientific context. By that I mean, you at least have to have a testable hypothesis for the existence of this unknown field, something that is lacking at the present, or at least has not been presented here.

K Walton

New Member
highsea said:
Why are these studies not published on the web? Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands (partly) in response to stress, and the body has an elaborate feeedback system that regulates the amount of cortisol produced. No offense, but it defies medical science to say that a group of people meditating can affect the adrenal glands of someone else through this "unified field".

Also, why has "vedic flying" not been scientifically documented? This would go a long way to legitimizing your claims wrt the brain's ability to interact with this hypothetical unified field.
Thank you for your expressed skepticism. Skepticism is good, especially when it leads the skeptic to become sufficiently interested in a topic to read the published literature on it. Unfortunately, these publications are of the old style, paper variety. Nevertheless, they are available in libraries and, if not, photocopies can be requested. The paper cited in my first entry, although just out, is available and can be obtained. There you would find detailed discussions of the questions asked in your first paragraph.

As for the Yogic Flying, it also has been written about in published papers. Again, they are only in the old style, paper publications, but they exist. Try visiting your library. If you do not immediately find them, ask the reference librarian for assistance.

I would like to be more helpful, but nothing I could cay in the few minutes available to me would be nearly as helpful as what is already contained in the published papers.
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K Walton

New Member
"Tatra (who has a PhD from a school that rivals Harvard in his particular field of study) thinks this suggests that TM - if it works - may be a means to fight symptoms rather than a cure. The best is still to understand a disease and its causes and then to generate a cure or take away the causes (rather then to fight the symptoms but let the disease run its course).

HighSea has been far nicer then I am and will be. Why is it that I get uneasy when people insist on flaunting their education, the institutes that are involved and lots of research to make a point. Survival of the fittest: if this approach were really any good it would have already been adopted on a large scale! "

In response to your comments, I am not sure I understand the first point. Stress has been determined to be a major cause of most chronic diseases and many psychiatric diseases, not to mention substance abuse and violence. Reducing the effects of stress is, therefore, one important way of reducing the incidence of the disease, whether it be a physical illness or those stress-induced behaviors that lead to war.

As for the second point, do you really think the reason the world is so dependent on oil and coal for energy is that the alternatives do not work? If you do, you have been living in a different world than I. There is always a structure, whether it be belief or business based, that resists a new alternative, especially if the alternative is really good!

K Walton


New Member
highsea said:
I would think that getting the evidence published online would be a step forward for proponents of IDT.
Although I thought Dr. Walton did a fine job explaining why some published research is not available on-line, perhaps Highsea and other people visiting this DefenceTalk forum will find this posting to be of interest.

If you do not have time to visit a library to review research about Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) published by scientist's like Prof. John Davies, please see an 8-page article "One Percent for Peace: The Real War on Terror - An Interview with John Davies." This article is featured in the July 2005 issue of Yoga International (issue #84, pages 62-71) and is online on their website. The only error in the article that I am aware of is a 2004 date on John's recent publication in The Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. It should be 2005.

This article can be read online by going to the magazine's homepage:

Currently, it is the top story. It seems this publication does not store its archives, to be sure to visit the website soon. The Yoga International article is based on an interview with John Davies, Ph.D. Professor Davies is an internationally recognized expert in conflict management with the Center for International Development and Conflict Management at the University of Maryland. For more info about Prof. Davies visit:

K Walton

New Member
In relation to the last entry suggesting the online article, "One Percent for Peace: The Real War on Terror - An Interview with John Davies," found on the online Yoga International issue for June-July, I agree that this is a well-written and informative article any interested person should read. It answers many questions raised by those unfamiliar with this technology for reducing war and terrorism. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!


New Member
Israel National Radio Interview With Dr. Leffler

Dr. David Leffler, a coauthor of "Preventing Terrorism: Paving the Way to Peace With Invincible Defense Technology," was interviewed on Israel National Radio about how Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) could be used by the military of Israel to prevent terrorism, create peace in Iraq and end the nuclear standoff with Iran.

An edited version of the interview is now available on his personal website. If computers have audio capability anyone can listen to the 13 minute interview.

The audio link is on the "Worldwide" page, in the "Israel" section. It is called "Israel National Radio Interview with Dr. David Leffler...The Tovia Singer Show."

Please click:


Yeah..........very impressive. I think a 12'th century wall helped the Israelis a lot more then this 29'th century techno-garble ever will. After reading this nonsense now you know why many of us roll our eyes and look at each other every time we have one of these "great-thinkers" address us. As for this guy.......

"""i havent read all the posts but i would just say that terrorism on big scale is something which is created by the west. Why US has been targetted on 9/11 even terrorist know that this country has the best defence on earth. Why?. There must be something which US had been done wrong in Past and continuing to that. 9/11 is not something happened ultimately. There were a whole chain of US faults...sorry blunders, which US was doing against Muslims. And 9/11 was the reaction. I dont want to go in details due to shortage of time(for me) but i know only one thing Solve Plestine,chechnia,and Kashmir Issue, have good relations with All muslim countries and you will see a world free of TERROR."""

I think the Muslim world is pretty much drenched in violence, ignorance, intolerance, tyrannical Dictators. All of their own making btw. Unfortunately we live in a world that makes auto-matic excuses for such people. For instance, "Im blowing up a bus in London full of civilians because Palestine doesn't have its own state". So much of the world community believes if the Palestinians had their own state none of this would happen.

And most Muslims are like this guy above, at the least supportive of terrorism. And they prefer to support terror against the US because if they do so against the tyrants leading them they might end up with 220 volts attached to their privates.

Maybe you should read other posts instead of living in the 12'th century. I lived in the Muslim world for 18 mos and saw with my own eyes the savage tribal methods they use to deal with each other. And you sit here and pout about "Americas treatment of Muslims"?

Lotsa luck getting these people to meditate.


New Member
Things Have Changed Since 2005

Regarding your words: "Lotsa luck getting [members of the Muslim community] to meditate."

Things have changed since 2005 when this editorial was first published in Defence Talk. You may be right. However, judging from these publications that have already published articles about Invincible Defense Technology, it seems that Muslims are becoming receptive to the concept:
