presence of PLAN in Gawadar


Super Moderator
P.A.F said:

i'm sure china aren't investing millions into gwader port for nothing u know. ;)
they will end up having some sort of naval presence there.
Not having a naval presence doesn't mean they'd be investing for nothing. There are such things as commercial ports, you know (99% of the worlds port facilities?), they cost millions - or billions - but still, many of them make big profits. China could benefit financially from Gwadar, whether or not a PLAN ship ever visits it.
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New Member
China is probably also investing in the area to enhance its chances of exporting naval assets. Pakistan will now have 4 Chinese FFGs. More could be built locally with Chinese help. Add some AORs (oilers), FAC(M)s, and the business opportunity is far from negligible.



New Member
fightermki said:
4.chinese would never come in strong numbers because they will be in landlocked ocean in hostile waters more than 7000<sea route> distance from mainland<hostile means indian and us vessels>near.
I don't see why this could be an obstacle. Deployment would probably be done in peacetime. And as for the presence of US ships making the Indian Ocean hostile you could also argue that this makes the Pacific Ocean hostile to the PLAN.


New Member
renjer said:
I don't see why this could be an obstacle. Deployment would probably be done in peacetime. And as for the presence of US ships making the Indian Ocean hostile you could also argue that this makes the Pacific Ocean hostile to the PLAN.
I agree. Besides, with their 4 more recent DDGs (2 with Grumble - 051C - and 2 with HQ9 - 052C) PLAN ships have adequate air cover even without supporting carriers.
