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John Sansom

New Member
Hi, Rock and Feanor...and thanks for the link. The impression I get is that Russsia is very much determined to overcome its immediate "collapsed" past and that independent world-wide involvement is just one off the avenues open to this end. That's nothing new, of course, and it has been discussed ad infinitum, including in these forums and threads.

Perhaps the real question should be: How come western governments and media don't seem to be commenting very much on this aspect of the Russian "renaissance", and why do western audiences seem so surprised when
stuff like this comes to light?

A case in point may well be the Russsian naval vessels now on their way to perform joint exercises with, ahem, the Venezuelan fleet. Yep, the media reported it. But just wait until those Russian ships pop up on the South American horizon; that's when the hand-wringing and gee-whizzing will move onto both the front and op-ed pages.

The point is that Putin and Medvedev have pictures they both want and need to paint at home and abroad...and they intend to paint them. Coastal protection deals/offers with African countries are on the palette along with military cruises to everywhere and a host of other muscle-flexing activities.

With respect to Rock45's original question, other countries certainly have some kind of green light from (at least) Somalia, and through the UN. Otherwise, why would they be there? Well, yes, I know.....


Active Member
Verified Defense Pro
Hi, Rock and Feanor...and thanks for the link. The impression I get is that Russsia is very much determined to overcome its immediate "collapsed" past and that independent world-wide involvement is just one off the avenues open to this end. That's nothing new, of course, and it has been discussed ad infinitum, including in these forums and threads.

Perhaps the real question should be: How come western governments and media don't seem to be commenting very much on this aspect of the Russian "renaissance", and why do western audiences seem so surprised when
stuff like this comes to light?

A case in point may well be the Russsian naval vessels now on their way to perform joint exercises with, ahem, the Venezuelan fleet. Yep, the media reported it. But just wait until those Russian ships pop up on the South American horizon; that's when the hand-wringing and gee-whizzing will move onto both the front and op-ed pages.

The point is that Putin and Medvedev have pictures they both want and need to paint at home and abroad...and they intend to paint them. Coastal protection deals/offers with African countries are on the palette along with military cruises to everywhere and a host of other muscle-flexing activities.

With respect to Rock45's original question, other countries certainly have some kind of green light from (at least) Somalia, and through the UN. Otherwise, why would they be there? Well, yes, I know.....
one reason is that these ops are far fewer than the equivalent NATO navy which goes to sea far more frequently


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NATO isn't a single Navy it's several. What really needs to be compared is time at sea/ship and /sailor.


New Member
No no he is generalising-the RN is a 'NATO Navy', the MN is a 'NATO Navy' etc i.e. they work to NATOs standards and are heavily used, as oppose to say a Non-NATO navy in Africa or South America which might well be tied up in Port for most of the year.

Anyways this pirate issue is becoming interesting, and is a good oportunity for the West and Russia to rebuild some of those burnt bridges from the Summer War problems by working together to kick some pirate a$$. It seems the fact that the Pirates have captured somethng we rather they did not have, the West is starting to (finally) wake up to the problem.

The BBC has reported that the Neutrashimy is the ship deploying, can anyone confirm that?

John Sansom

New Member
It's my understanding that the Neustrashimy has been ordered to co-operate with the vessels of other navies currently on station in Somali and adjacent waters. I may be a little late in noticing this but, hey, reasonably good news is, after all, reasonably good news. As somebody noted earlier, bridge re-building seems to be at least a partial order of the day.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
It's my understanding that the Neustrashimy has been ordered to co-operate with the vessels of other navies currently on station in Somali and adjacent waters. I may be a little late in noticing this but, hey, reasonably good news is, after all, reasonably good news. As somebody noted earlier, bridge re-building seems to be at least a partial order of the day.
well, the remnant Somali govt did also announce that they recognised South Ossetia and Abkhazia as autonomous regions within 48 hrs of the announcement.....

AFAIK the Russians have also said that Neustrashimy is acting independantly of other International forces in the region.


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Russian government is talking about a piracy combating agreement together with NATO.

Salty Dog

Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
There are probably other factors at play that warrant cooperation with other navies and Somalia. The Neustrashimy is going alone and will require logistics support for fuel, provisions, spare parts, mail etc. It can take advantage of logistics support chains already in place for the region. They can also share vessel intel and contact data with other units on station in the area as well as shore based air support.

John Sansom

New Member
The Russian frigate may also be acting as a door-opener, paving the way for support vessels and on-shore installations unique to and for its country of origin...all as part of an agreement with "local" coastal nations. Cost, of course, is Moscow's limiting factor in this type of exercise but I'd guess it's not an insurmountable problem, right?

Just as important, I would imagine, is the experience factor in a "hostile" environment. Russian sailors are no different from those of other nations; they need to really do "stuff" to keep themselves sharp and on the ball.


New Member
When is the russian vessel reaching the somalian coast? Also since the ukrainian vessel capture, what has Ukrainian gov do about it? They have been vicing so much anti Russia sentiment lately, n now its left to a russian vessel to do something about it?


Super Moderator
Staff member
When is the russian vessel reaching the somalian coast? Also since the ukrainian vessel capture, what has Ukrainian gov do about it? They have been vicing so much anti Russia sentiment lately, n now its left to a russian vessel to do something about it?
Welcome to Ukraine. By the way from what I know Ukraine is still under the Russian nuclear umbrella. ;)


Super Moderator
Staff member
There are more then RPG's on the ship. Apparently there are Zu-23-2 AA guns, and Grad MLRS systems (iirc 6) along with mortars, RPGs, and T-72 tanks.

John Sansom

New Member
It's a wee bit bizarre how things have tailed off in this thread. Dos anybody have a coherent update? Where is the Russian frigate now? What with the US elections, I'm not getting too much news about the real world, except, in this insatnce, a confused item about a US vessel approaching the Ukrainian hostage ship. Anybody on station out there?

John Sansom

New Member
Thanks, Feanor, for the info and the link. I guess the only remaining question is: How many vessels from how many countries are now involved in this anti-pirates endeavour? I'll poke around, but if anybody has the answer......

John Sansom

New Member
Oops! I should have clarified the question. I know that the US, Russia, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Canada now have units at work in the area....and that the EU is still sorting out its co-ordination role. The query relates more directly to ships by number, by flag, and by type.
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