Part II - Tell me this is a dream or something (india)!


New Member
Indianguy said:
Well , the thing is, their is women power and these women can fight as much as man do and in some cases they out beat man. These women are trained to ready for worst even suxal assult in case of captured by enemy and that thing can also to any man.

Well SLR, have the range of 800m so they can shoot anyone before even come to enemy wepon range.

study suggest that SLR bullets most of the cases passes the body , so if a direct hit on heart or head means .........
come on. a 32 years old woman, commanded 15 guys. they were all special force soldiers. sexual assult was remotely possibility in that situation. they fought to the end because they were true soldiers ...


New Member
tatra said:
adsH said:
GUNS DON'T kill people people kill people!!!! now where did i hear that i think it was Samuel Jackson was it !!! can't rember!!
Probably from Charlton Heston at a meeting of the National Rifle Association...
it is slogan of NRA. NRA sometimes bit go too far, but overall i think we just need to tighten control on the gun sales, but not ban them..

personally i like russian rifles, like AK-74, powerful assult rife. if u got shot from that thing, you would have seen small hole in the front and a big massive hole in the back.