Pakistani army to get 12 new Russian MI-17 choppers


New Member
lalith prasad said:
mi 17 is a very rugged helicopter however be carefull that it does not land in the sea or is operated in salty environments without periodic mainenance .it will disintegrate very quickly a lot of mg components.
i think PAK navy is getting chinese Sub Reconance Helicopters, with there new Frigates. i would have to say i have never seen such a colorful mix of Equipment in any Military's inventory the amount of suppliers are just limitless!!


New Member
Whats more significant is that Pakistan's forces have been able to make this kinda of mix work for them without any major problems. They really know how to make American, Chinese, Russian, etc stuff work perfectly well together and effectively. :smokingc:


New Member
Now Russia refuses to sell any weapons to Pakistan after Sweden. Hahaha now we have old China and France left. Why Pakistani governm,ent is hasitating to go to Ukrain which is willing to sell arms.


New Member
I read it in the news paper "Daily Jang" two or three days ago. Russian forign minister said his country have close ties with India and dont want any type of brake up.


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Verified Defense Pro
Yeah i read on that too. I was hopin the russians would check there wallets before making this statement but it cant be helped. Oh and BTW we cant buy much from ukraine because there credit terms are a bit too much for us while the chinese and other international ones are more attractive. See the ukrainians are a bit cashstrapped themselves which is why they have to give credit terms which are a bit hard on the customers for their own survival. Last i heard they were willing to sell the An-71 (which is the counterpart of the E-2C) at prices lower than $45 million! Now isnt that just desperate? :eek


New Member
Pak must avoid BlackHawk's at all cost. Same old crappy problem linked with any new or even old US hardware i.e. spares, upgrades & maintainence. Mi-17 is very cost effective, reliable and easy to maintain. Anyone ever seen it with 6 S-80 80mm rocket pods... Thats a beauty and brings with it tremendous firepower :smokingc: