Su_37 said:
no . actually , misguding the gudiance system works from outside , it create an misguidence on the navigation system on board the missile to think about the target and coordinates of position.
Second thing is the Ionnisation , russian taken the lead in this technology , this is simple , the atmosphere was charged wiht -tive ion and that -tive ion will attract towards + ions i.e. planes, missiles etc
Third is to from controlled radiation bust to distroy electronic components.
You're intriguing me about how you think all of your proposals work and are capable of intercepting a ballistic missile.
1) a ballistic missile is travelling at greater than Mach 25, Explain to me how any ADS is going to pick it up, track it and kill it. I know of 2 methods and both of those are way out of the technological capability of the russians (who are the only nation able to come up with similar technologies IF they had the money, political will and political intent, as well as military will and intent)
2) Doesn't work except like Star Wars movies. But it is just as plausible as light sabres and death stars. I could point out a number of reasons as to why but I'm doubting the seriousness of your response anyway.
3) Radiation won't kill electronics. It will kill organic material. Alas there are no pilots on an ICBM. If they did they would have to build an enormous payload to cope with both the weapons basket and the pilot. A rocket that big is ready for a space shoot to go to the moon. Seeing that you don't want to kill the pilot, and all the controls are computer controlled. the only reason for the rocket pilot is to run interference, act as a fallback solution in the even of a complete systems redundancy failure, or to give you a running commentary on the scenary.
On the other hand EMP will fry your electronics and then we get back to a variation of (A1). Tell me how you are going to intercept a Mach 25 platform that may well have a MIRV capability and you have no idea when it will deploy or split and deploy? The US is the ONLY country with a technology that is designed to do this, and that technology is so adolescent that it is not remotely unit deployable.
There are only two other countries with functional ADS systems, the Russians and the Israelis. The Israeli system is known to be effective and working. Both the Russian and Israeli systems don't even remotely use anything like what you speak of.
The US, Australia and Japan are working on an ABM solution because parts of the solution are already built - but there is probably 10-12 years to go before a working solution can be rolled out.
Negatively charging the atmosphere may have wonderful side effects on everyones exposed water supplies, but it will do diddly to a weapons system. It would also give off such a strong energy signature that it would be dead before it could do anything else (and militarily I cannot see pos or neg ionisation doing anything except make the drinking water better or making it rain on the enemy) Hardly something that constitiutes a lethal level 4 threat.