Opening up the Central Front , Jordan.

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Banned Member
You can't force anybody to a particular job, no matter what attributes he/she brings along. It's personal choice.


New Member
We have a lot of Indian and Pakistani posters here, it does them credit that although there are political differences between their respective nations, they leave that out of here, they compare, do a bit of "mine is better than yours" posing, but on the whole are civilised in their posts.
Then along comes Libyan. No wonder Israel has nukes and won't give them up, hell in their shoes I would as well, and do everything to ensure that the fanatics like Libyan are denied them at any cost. I would close off my borders to all neighbouring nations, why give employment to those that will blow up your civilians then dance in the street. Look at their response to 9/11. Religous fanatics of ANY faith are a curse upon mankind. They read things into their respective Holy texts that more moderate religous leaders and teachers say just isn't what the text actually says. What is telling, is that those same leaders that indocrinate these youths that martyrdom will get you in front of the line in heavon, are conspicuous in their own attempts to stay alive at all costs, don't they believe in what they preach, they hide in caves while telling the young that death in fighting your enemies is glory.
Take kids with no hope, indocrinate them with your version of beliefs and hate, and send them off as cannon fodder. The Catholic Jesuits use to have a saying that paraphased says that we can indocrinate your children to believe whatever we say is the truth, and have those beliefs set for the rest of their lives, if we get them before they turn 7 years of age. I know about behavior modification, I use to be a Hypnotherapist, core beliefs set in place as kids grow up are difficult to modify later, even when confronted with evidence that those beliefs are incorrect.
My own view is that the Jewish people have every right to have a homeland of their own, the only one that history tells us they have had in the past is where they are now. Their history and roots are there, the Temple Mount that is Holy to them, where their last major Temple was built, was on the mount they built back in the days of King Solomon. The land area of Israel is 1/600 of the surounding Arab area. They would live in relative peace with those nations around them, as they do now with Jordan and Egypt, if those nations gave up their reteric to drive Israel from the land, while those notions are held, there will never be peace there. It is not Israel attacking their neighbours, it is Israel trying to survive that I see. I see Palestinian civilians killed yes, but often because Palestinian gunman use civilians for cover. I see Palestinian suicide bombers blowing up busloads of school children and crowded shopping malls, it is clear to me who the real monsters are.
Sadly peace will never come to the region, even the Bible says that the last great war will begin in the region over the fate of Israel.


New Member
it's useless to say arab is wrong and jewish is right or the other way around. i personally can name many things that Israel (not jewish in general) have done that make them no better then those suicide bombers. but if i start launching ACCUSATION ICBM, the other side will also retaliate with the other ACCUSATION ICBM and in the end, this thread gonna get lock by the MODERATOR team for extreme HATE radiation level . let's keep it on the technical side of how arab armies can't stand in the face of IDF.


New Member
Victora is right, Arab armies is in fact highly inneficients. it's typical for country that try to impose political control of their army, in the extreme sort of way. like the singapore army use to say, "a thinking soldier, a thinking army". why do you all think that those arab guerillas are more succesfull where their mighty conventional arms can't hack it? i think it's got to do with how the soldiers in both organization funtioning. if victora article is right, that means arab soldiers lack something important in the modern armies; Initiative. the lowly soldiers were discourage from "thinking". those arab generals would've a remote controller on each soldiers if they can. a good officers was dismissed because they "humiliate" their superiors and they were replace by political cronies that was train intensively to nod their head to their superior plans no matter how stupid it seems. this lack of initiatives make them less efficient and easily predictable. that means they follow what the IDF expect them to do.

Guerillas on the other hand are elusive and cunning sort of soldiers. they strike where it is least expected. the insurgents in iraq for example show a tremendous personal initiatives and superb moral. unlike during GW1 where US forces let their enemy play their games. this time the table is turned. this time the americans play the insurgents games. US forces seem to react more then making initiatives. only recently since fallujah the trend have change somewhat.


New Member
Point taken [font=verdana,arial,helvetica]Pendekar[/font], for a junior member you talk a lot of sense, I guess I got a little hot under the collar.
Have to agree with a lot of your statements re the effectiveness of the military when under a dictatorship. The same prosumably applies to the military from central america, africa, asian regions, russia, china, etc where a similar situation applies, rigid control from armchair generals a great distance away.
I can see the generals point of view, a successful campaign and he looks good to his superiors, unsucessful and he shifts the blame to the local commanders for failing to carry out orders, which may have been impossible to achieve in the first place eg "take the enemy position on the high ground" when the task is not possible with the resourses at hand. On the other hand, a successful campaign by the local commander and suddenly the general is worrying about (1) his job (2) his life (3) whether the local commander will use his new popularity with his men to stage a uprising or coup etc


New Member
VICTORA1 said:
I don't mean to be disrepectful, these young kids, these Hizbullah fighters
---they can be neutralized anytime, anywhere. Don't look at what these guys can do to the enemy---stop for a moment and look through the eyes of IDF and see what the IDF will do to these people. Just because the wolf is letting the chicken live does not mean that it is scared of it. It is just waiting for it to fatten up.
I wonder if Victora1 still feels the same.

Aussie Digger

I really don't think this thread is useful or going to head anywhere but downwards. As such I'm locking it now. AD.
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