His argument that generations are irrelevant doesn't apply.of course it does, its about all those capabilities within a platform designed at inception. Its why people are so desparate to add iterative tags like 4.5 to make them fit on the timeline
if people consider that pistons and jet fighters was not a developmental separation and transformational construct, then there's not much we can do about
some people still think the earth is flat.
whether people like it or not, officially, within militaries themselves, we use those terms because they have meaning
if others don't want to accept it then tough, they aren't doing force development, or future planning. its part of our lexicon - not because its a buzz word, but because it allows us to define stages in future force constructs etc... it has significant impact on doctrine definition and development.
seriously, if the general public don't want to accept it then I for one don't care 1 iota because they aren't responsible for what gets brought to the table, why we buy certain system capabilities and why we have a definite plan.
5th gen aircraft are part of that. and if people seriously think its just marketing hype and don't see that its militarys that are employing the definitions for a reason - then what more can I say.
Its a wasted debate, I'm not even going to remotely further the debate because they're not serious, don't understand the big picture, and usually are letting national pride interfere with reasoned debate.
ignore what the manufacturers say - look at the systems and force development issues. The F-15SE is no more 5th gen than the SHornet, Boeing claim that both are. only a blind teenager would accept that they are.. Sooner or later, proper military based analysis should be invoked. If its not then its just pretend analysis.
Sorry for the initial obtuse wording.