Well it had to happen. NZDF personnel are voting with their feet because of never-ending deployments to MIQ facilities rather than to what they joined up to do. Like the last time there was a significant exodus of personnel from NZDF, many of these are technical and trades people who can earn far better money in civvy street.
There is also friction between NZDF personnel in the MIQ facilities and personnel deployed to the Operational HQ because those in the Operational HQ are doing better out of the allowances without having to incur any of the discomforts or risks.

There is also friction between NZDF personnel in the MIQ facilities and personnel deployed to the Operational HQ because those in the Operational HQ are doing better out of the allowances without having to incur any of the discomforts or risks.

Military at MIQ says HQ bosses get better Covid bonuses
MIQ military staff says pandemic pay is better for those based at NZDF HQ.