I too unfortunately see only six Type 45's. Hope its not so.
I also see one more Type 23 frigate leaving service soon.
That will leave 12 Type 23's, 4 Type 22BIII and six Type 45';s for a total of 22.
I see an eventual class yet to be determined to replace the 16 frigates on a two for one basis.
Eventually yielding nominally by 2020:
2 Carrier Task Groups(1 CV, 2 Type 45, 2 ?)
1 Amphibious Task Group(1 LPH/LHD/LHA type ship, 2 Type 45, 2?)''
Plus two for homewaters patrol and emergency response deployments
Of course those 12 escorts along with the other two not earmarked will rotate through those groups along with independent duties in the S.Atlantic, N.Atlantic, Caribbean, MED and East of Suez depending on threat levels.
It may well be that in the future we will see a task group East of Suez more or less on a permanent basis often split into sub groups based on varying contingency operations.
Maybe a virtual withdrawal of a semi-permanent prescence in the MED.
How well the escorts will be augmented by OPV's in low threat areas such as the S.Atlantic, Caribbean, N. Atlantic is open to conjecture.
I also see one more Type 23 frigate leaving service soon.
That will leave 12 Type 23's, 4 Type 22BIII and six Type 45';s for a total of 22.
I see an eventual class yet to be determined to replace the 16 frigates on a two for one basis.
Eventually yielding nominally by 2020:
2 Carrier Task Groups(1 CV, 2 Type 45, 2 ?)
1 Amphibious Task Group(1 LPH/LHD/LHA type ship, 2 Type 45, 2?)''
Plus two for homewaters patrol and emergency response deployments
Of course those 12 escorts along with the other two not earmarked will rotate through those groups along with independent duties in the S.Atlantic, N.Atlantic, Caribbean, MED and East of Suez depending on threat levels.
It may well be that in the future we will see a task group East of Suez more or less on a permanent basis often split into sub groups based on varying contingency operations.
Maybe a virtual withdrawal of a semi-permanent prescence in the MED.
How well the escorts will be augmented by OPV's in low threat areas such as the S.Atlantic, Caribbean, N. Atlantic is open to conjecture.