Agreed. Nevertheless, the only support right now is from 11km ranged 105s and the 81s. Either option (155mm or MLRS) is better.
It takes 5-8 minutes to reload a himars. Nevertheless, I'd use the 120mm for sustained fire. TNT is about 1/2 that of a 155mm but faster firing rates makes up for it.
Each 6 round HIMAR reload ~ 5k lb . For 6 himars, that comes up to 13 tons. That's the logistic equivalent of 7 rounds per gun for a 24 gun 155mm battalion.
But, its a lot more than just ammo. More crew, more veh will need more logistics etc. Don't forget 24 guns will need 24 trucks for towing + resupply trucks.
There's always the option of the mortar.
Other comparisons not indicated:
(i) Can the 155mm better support mobile forces eg LAV? SPH/towed?
(ii) Is the 155mm range sufficient? What is the impact if the adversary has long-ranged arty?
(iii) How much more crew will a 155mm battalion require?
(iv) What's the deployment speed of a 155mm battalion?
(v) What's the transport requirement of the 155mm?
(vi) What if 90lb shells (with 15 lbs TNT) isn't enough? Its not like RNZAF has fighter/bomber aircraft...
Agreed, its a lot more than shell weights. But based on NZ army circumstances, still think a 120mm/MLRS combo appears better than a 120/155mm combo.
That's my personal opinion but I do recognise NZ army is the decision maker.
All that is very interesting, but what is the cost of an M31 rocket compared to a 155mm artillery shell and charge? Then factor in the increased cost of 120mm mortar ammunition, as opposed to 81mm ammunition...
I'm thinking the difference is massive...
The longest ranged 155mm ammunition natures match rocket artillery ranges, for most purposes.
As to helo support, NZ has that anyway and not all helos are engaged in troop transport all the time.
As to trucks, NZ has plenty of them already. An M777 (for example) isn't going to require a different gun tractor to an L-118/9 I wouldn't expect.
When you factor in cost, both initial acquisition and through life support, I don't believe an MLRS or HIMARS battery could match an M-777A2 battery for cost effectiveness.
Firepower, yes.
Sustainability and cost?
Yes, a gun tractor is required for a towed gun. But in "dire" circumstances a gun tractor can carry a crew AND a quantity of ammunition. A rocket based system cannot do this, beyond it's initial loadout.
Some vehicles such as the Portee M-777 do so on a regular basis and you get the benefits of a self propelled gun and a lightweight towed gun in the same vehicle...
The old argument about rockets v artillery is exactly that. I don't intend to argue it, but I don't think rockets are a realistic replacement for tube artillery and neither do most Army's around the world.
For a force that is only ever likely to operate a limited number of fire support assets, flexibility is the key and I think tube artillery is more flexible than rocket artilley.
Particularly now that Excalibur and other PGMs, "accurate" fusing systems, long ranged munitions and new ammunition natures such as DPICM are available.
I don't suggest that M777A2 IS necessarily THE best replacement for the L-118/9 gun system, but it seems hard to go past...