If I understand the first question correctly, I cannot tell you the answer, as I do not know. I also expect that those who do know the answer within a certain margin will not say (or cannot say...) At a guess, I would think a dive depth in excess of 300ft/100m/50 fathoms would be a likely requirement. BTW I think the dept exceeds this.which reaches a depth and a Japanese submarine collins?
what type of weapons used to attack earth?
In answer to the second question as to what weapons would be used for land attack (if I understand the question correctly) then any of the sub-launched land attack missiles should work, assuming proper fitout of the sub for launch tubes and FC systems. The later block Harpoons and Tomahawks come to mind, but these are not the only types available. These are likely just the ones with the most practical (or actual combat) useage at present.