without wanting to get dragged into a justification of national merit.Well, in fact you are "US biased".
You took the Americans as "standard".
I'd argue that when a country has publicly demonstrated 3 discrete family types of LO management in manned aircraft, 4 discrete family types in deployed unmanned aircraft assets, a first generation LO naval vessel, and a nation that has the most complex Elint/Comint/Sigint harvesting capability on the planet - then they are pretty well close to being used as a reference point.
until other nations actually trot out something for all to see (as is the standard held up to the americans) - then they are engaged in a publicity show without much merit.
Its when you add demonstrated generational capability across disparate platform types, and across force application dimensions, then there is a serious need to regard them as the baseline.
if we are going to impose "doubting thomas" logic on the US, then we certainly need to apply the same critical approval standards on everyone else - otherwise the bias could be said to be anti-american (and in my experience, a reverse application of bias is usually applied to the americans as soon as other countries are uncompetitive platform to platform.)