We have 24 Romeo with the intension of have 8 avalible at all time for the surface fleet, but we won't have all our majors out at once.
Don't know the avalibilty rate for MH-60R but from source I have read over the years it generally is about 18 aircraft for 12 on the flight line, in the case of Hygua it still gives you same sort of capabilty of an ASW frigate with more help support, where as the LHD does not.
Putting 6x airframes on the ASW carrier gives more capabilty to prosecute a suspected submarine which may tip the favour into the surface combatant whilst not losing the capabilty of short changing your frigate force.
Other would have a better understanding than I, that's just from my perspective of course the AsW carrier would cost more it then you have more capabilty at the same time.
Definitely, and when it does happen it will work and it will prove my point.over time the phatships will also pick up an ASW role
For all now. On escort numbers just how many type26 are the RN meant to be getting? There is the planned Type31 but these may be no more capable than an OPV with extra gear bolted on, and how many multi role OPVs is the RAN meant to be getting, OPVs that could conceivably be designed "for but not with" to use systems surplus from the FFGs and ANZACs. Short of the boomers, SSNs and strike carriers the RAN will compare quite well to the RN, especially as the nine SEA5000 frigates, while superior ASW platforms to the AWDs, are to be capable general purpose shops with a high end air defense system.
Realistically we could upgrade half of the OPVs with ASMD systems, build six SEA5000 frigates and acquire three light carriers (we could even call them through deck cruisers
At the end of the day the carrier issue is more political than operational or doctrinal so will not happen, but that doesn't mean it is not affordable and definitely doesn't mean it couldn't be done if there was the political will.