Crew: One
Wingspan: 10.00 m
Length: 14 m
Height: 4.90 m
Weight: Empty 5,802 kg; Normal take-off: 9,500 kg; Max take-off 15,700 kg; Max weapon payload 4,600 kg
Maximum Weapon Load: 3,900kg
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.1
Range: Ferry range 4,500 km; Operational Radius 2,152 km
Service Ceiling: 20,500 m
Maximum Climb Rate: N/A
+G Limit: 8.5
11 hard points. 1 on each wing tip. 3 under each wing (only air to air or air to surface missiles. 1 fuel tanks on the bottom of each inlet. and finally a multi purpose hard point at the bottom of the fusealage for use of and PAF weapon. (nuke capable)
Made up specs lol.